Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wrap Up!

Well 2009 really flew by. Thanks to the help of Cole and Josh keeping our house interesting as ever.

I was informed last night that Josh feels he should teach a class on swaddling! So all my friends that are expecting if you would like to sign up for the course please contact Josh. (Really he was pretty good at it)

Josh continues to work on his Masters. I think he is very thankful that the last class(es) ended. He still hopes to finish around April even with all his up coming travels for work. He will be out of town 7 of the 12 months this year. He's even traveling overseas a few times. Hopefully Cole and I will get a chance to visit him.

Cole is hitting a few more milestones. 7months exactly to the day he learned how to pull himself to a stand-Little Stinker!!! And for Christmas he got his 2 (lower) front teeth! They broke though and I got a few peeks at them; they are hard to catch on Camera but I will soon post that winning smile!

I continue to help out down at the store. I will be doing more admin work, so I've been told! But lately I'm still working on projects and pulling fabrics. I'm just going with the flow these days.

Some highlights from this past year...
Grandpa Bob turned 70. Brig turned 40. Todd and Lana received an anonymous donation for helping out the community. Monte relocated his business. Little Josh has a new place! Summer finished school, Brandee had a little boy. And everyone seems to be in good health! Now that's a year.

Lately I noticed several of my followers on Facebook. I can't believe how addicting it is. And how you are basically allowed to stalk other people-WEIRD!!! It's socially acceptable and I can't get enough of it! I do have a few issues with facebook:
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all-Unless it's about your own hubby!
Mofia Wars-Really??? I don't get all those games but the last game that I took to was Tetris on Nintendo.
And people who post every meal. I too post my meals on "Weight Watchers" but not on facebook. I just find it funny but occasionally helpful because it gives me an idea what to make or not to make for dinner. Enough about that.

Hope everyone had fun over the Holidays and didn't eat too much. Both Josh and I are working out like crazy! I guess that's the price you have to pay. And are you sitting down? We went to CHURCH!!! Our last big accomplishment was upgrading our cell phones. I no longer look like Zach Morris walking down the street!

Happy New Year Everyone!

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