Sunday, May 31, 2009

Welcome Baby Evans

29 May 2009
2046 EST
20.1 in

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Could be tomorrow...

I know so many of you are waiting that post that says the baby is here. Not today...
Today was my last visit ever to women's health pregnant-I've been kicked out! They don't want to see me anymore! I've seen several different Dr and nurses the past few weeks bouncing around and told different things that may happen. However this afternoon I got a phone call and was told they will see me in Labor and Delivery at 8:00 tomorrow. I think this is it folks! Tomorrow we just might finally have a baby. WISH US LUCK~

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Many of you know Josh as "the planner;" and this baby is not helping him out! So with our many attempts to walk the baby out. Josh was sure the baby was going to come 5/25. The weather was fairly nice for the long weekend. We already have some humidity which stinks but it's not too bad out. However Ju-Ju is melting and we have to put him in the house because he can't handle it much more. He needs a hair cut!
A few of our neighbors laughed as they drove home from there weekend away to see us out walking. Of coarse they ask "where's the baby?"
"Agh no baby."
"Are you trying to walk the baby out?" Then they wonder where Ju-Ju is and we have to tell them after 3 walks he was done! Really, why would he walk the neighborhood with us when he could have an air conditioned house all to himself? Silly us. At one point when we stopped to talk to friends he laid down and rolled to his back-Really Ju-ju, was it that bad?

While we walk (and shop) many ask when the baby is due. Once you mention he's suppose to be here already many are nervous! All the questions and comments...Why are you out? It's too hot. You should eat salsa. Did you try jumping??? People are weird! That's why we tell kids not to talk to strangers!

So last night I ate a fortune cookie. I was given several lucky numbers including 25 and 26. We all know 5/25 is over so there still may be hope for today!

We have an appointment scheduled this week. If he isn't here by the 28th they will induce. Just a few more days....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Poor Puppy

Today is the due date! And, no baby yet! I pretty sure Ju-Ju is happy about that. He is one spoiled pup and deserves a few more days in the spot light. I'm pretty sure he is on to us. He hates having the base of the car seat in the back of the car. He isn't a fan of my bags packed (for the hospital) However he loves my afternoon snack(s) and my weekend naps that I try to sneak in!
We didn't make any big plans for Memorial Weekend. Just encase the boy decides to come. It's suppose to be pretty warm here so hopefully we can spend some time outside-without melting or going into labor at the park!
Hope everyone has a fun weekend.

Monday, May 11, 2009

USS Freedom

Last week while I'd eat lunch at the park; I watched all the action happening on a ship that you don't see too often in Alexandria/Potomac!
Days later Josh sends me a quick note inviting the public to tour the ship. I ended up talking to Josh and telling him right where it is. I then add how I've seen it the past few days...And he adds "And you didn't tell me!" OPPS~
After a late afternoon doctors appointment we decided to take the tour. I have several fun facts on the ship too...
2 Rolls-Royce gas turbine engines produce 96,000 horsepower. A direct derivation of the Trent 800 engines that power a Boeing 777-
4waterjets, each with 5ft diameter that together pump over 12,000,000 gallons of water per minute (equivalent of draining an Olympic size swimming pool in 3 seconds) at full power, producing a 25 foot "rooster tail" rising above the flight deck
accelerates from 0 to 40+ knots under 2 minutes
decelerates from 40+ to 0 knots in approximately 3 ship lengths
move directly sideways at 1 knot
rotate 360 degrees while standing still in 3 minutes
Thank goodness I grab the brochure! It was pretty cool to see. I noticed that it's left the dock and must be on it's way to someplace cool!
I would show more pics but I had a stain on my shirt from lunch!LOL
That's why Josh picked me!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Local Race

Josh ran a local race last weekend. It was super hot out. He was not happy with his time at all. The change of weather seemed to zap everyone. While I wait at the finish line I saw several racers that needed medical attention. It went from 60 degree Spring weather to high 80's and 90's for four days. Several Racers even had to be assisted off the course and brought back to the finish line by ambulance. Not a good race day at all. Josh loves doing the race because it's such a pretty course. There's always next year!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cute Pup!

Last week we spent a few days house and dog sitting...My boss has a fenced in yard that Ju-Ju just loves. Look at my cute pup! He spent several hours looking for squirrels. And getting some vitamin D.