Sunday, January 17, 2010

Daddy Daycare

I look at the calendar and can't believe it's half way through the month! Tomorrow will be "Daddy Daycare" at our house. That's when Cole, Ju-Ju and Josh spend the day together while I'm bust my butt another day at work on a government holiday. Someday I hoped to be employeed and receive all government holidays off! It funny to see how many government employees are in this area-Gotta Love DC!

Speaking of that...Josh will be deployed this year. He finally got the word. So now it's decision time for us. We know he will be gone for 6months. And when he returns back to the states his office will be moved up in Maryland toward Baltimore. So the big question is-Do we keep the condo? The commute is a nightmare! It will be only for a short time while he out processes. But could be 2 months or more who knows??? Hopefully Josh will be able to switch to spring/summer cycle. Looks like we are on the count down for leaving the DC area.

Lately we have been watching the football games. I don't know how many more I can stand! The good thing is my Dad has been betting my brother and it seems like Grandpa Bob is taking him to the cleaners! I'm not sure what he's going to do with his winning but I do know my Birthday is coming up-and I love the beach-Hint Hint!!!

Cole is certainly ALL BOY! With his new adventure on standing up and cruising (using furniture, the dog, and toys) to move about I wonder if he should be wearing a helmet! Yikes. I know it's only the beginning on bumps and bruises but my poor heart can't take much more! I'm fast and have cat like reflexes and find myself and weird situations. And to add to all that I say things out-loud that I never thought I would have to say.
He also has a big boy appetite. Alana introduced him to "Puffs" and he can eat several at a time. It's like having a bag of chips in front of Josh or Junior Mints in front of me. He continues to eat them until they are all gone. Josh calls him "Puff Daddy" or "The Puff Master" (I know the kids going to need therapy!)


Mary said...

"Puff Daddy" - sounds like a rapper to me! Maybe he'll make you millons some day:)

Leah said...

Grant looooves puffs, I think everyone I know calls them that (and omg I have a box of Junior Mints in front of me right now, I'm totally not kidding)! He loves the wagon wheels too - actually he's been eating a lot of stuff lately.....a few days ago he had grilled cheese! As for moving he doesnt even roll unless he HAS to, I breed lazy children. Claire didn't even walk until she was 18 months old! So it's so funny to hear Cole is standing and cruising!