Monday, September 7, 2009

Long Weekend

I can't believe summer is over-What happened to it? It went by so fast. As much as I love summer, I always love the fall! When you can wear shorts and a hooded sweatshirt (one of my favorite outfits). The sun feels so warm. Ahhh... I love the fall! College football games start. The smell of burnt leaves... just too many things to list!

The past few days I have been puppy sitting Bella. She is spoiled rotten and is very needy. I wanted to kill her a few times. First her flaws: She does this ear flap thing-so loud she wakes up Cole. She barks/yaps and is snottie-pa-tootie. She is smothered with love and gets way too many dog treats and snorts because she is overweight...I could keep going but then it would sound like I don't love her. But after all that she has a super cute face and really all her flaws aren't her fault. She doesn't spend much time with people or any other dogs so it's sort of sad.

I worry about her the more active Cole gets. There's just not enough me to go around. Only a few more days and her owners will be back from Paris. Poor Bella or Poor Me???

To add to my Bella issues. She hates bikes, she's an awful walker, and isn't friendly at all to people or other dogs. So bringing her out around our house just doesn't really work! To top it off Ju-Ju pissed on her because she walked right it in. So Bella got a bath... Breath-only a few more days. I almost forgot, poor Ju-Ju has an ear infection.

Josh and I were able to grill out, run some errands, and managed to spend the day by the pool with Cole. I wish we had a few more long weekends. As this year comes to an end (fast) our calendar doesn't have much room. I have all these colored boxes. Josh will be in and out and Cole, Ju-Ju and I may hit the road again so we can visit him.

Hope everyone had fun this past long weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...babysitting Bella is like me babysitting Lola! She does "definant" pees in the house when I do something she doesn't like....even if she was just let out. She must reserve a little just in case I piss her off!
Don't tell Julie:)