Sunday, September 14, 2008


Josh, Richard, and Javier made a special trip out to see Virgil before his open heart surgery. Bobbi was so happy they made it. She told me it was perfect timing because they were having a pity party! Virgil even took them for a ride around the Academy. Josh told me it was emotional (he's the girl in our relationship!) I blame it on his condition!!! All three are flying out tonight.

Good Luck Virgil We Will Be Thinking About You!

I spent the weekend shopping with Mike and Yvette. We went out to the expo then walked around Georgetown. It was suppose to rain, but it never did. We hit a few stores and filled our belly's with an ice cream treat! Mike has VIP at the Lucky Store. Yvette and I were very lucky to be with him there!!! Of coarse we took it to a new level-poor Mike, he just received a mail out from the store saying he was a VIP!

Today Ju-Ju and I went to the park. He has such a personality. I let him swim for a bit just because it was so warm out.

My brother Gary sucks because he got to go sailing this week up in Lake Superior. I can't believe he didn't ask me. I called him to get the dirt! The water was 50sum degrees and they even went swimming BRRRrrrrr! They also took the dingy out and went to shore to do some hiking. I'm glad he found something he really enjoys- He'll be here next month with Brig. I'm so excited.
Friday it sounded like Catey and Gracey were having fun in the basement. They were singing Kid Rock-They were pretending they were in concert with red rubber galoshes and camo on! That's exactly what I would wear! I wish we all lived closer-all the kids are at the perfect age and just so funny!

This week we hit to the road for the Air Force Marathon. Last year it was Josh's first full Marathon! He did really good. Although he still talks about hitting the wall!

This is one of the many great photo's he has from that day. After the race we all got together and went swimming with his family. I think the water helped his little legs. Little Josh, Chrissy,Todd, Ashley, myself and my Josh went for wings and beers-just what every marathon runner eats after the big race.

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