Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Last Few Days in America!

The neighbor boys had an awesome farewell party for Cole. They made him cake and picked out balloons for him. It was super sweet. Rather then singing happy birthday to him Or a fare well song- They sang the ABC's!!! They thought happy birthday would confuse him. I miss them already and so does Cole. We look at facebook and I show Cole there pictures! Never a dull moment with four little boys running around.

Do you ever wonder what it looks like to move around the world? Here is a picture of our life packed in bags! It was a crazy Journey. Josh left the first flight out our Appleton and flew into DC. He still had to final out! A minor glitch and poor planning by the Military...But he put on his uniform and took care of the things he needed to Do. Cole and I flew out of Appleton several hours later and landed in Baltimore where Josh met up with us. We took all our bags that you see in this photo and headed to the hotel. I brought Cole Swimming and filled his belly with some food! Josh meet up with a friend that was holding a few of his bags. More luggage to add to the pile! Our hotel room was feeling small! Next morning we loaded our stuff and headed to the Baltimore Airport we flew to Settle! Two Days Down, One More To Go!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We miss you guys so much!

Love, Brig