Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Too Cool!

Yesterday Ju-Ju went to get his haircut. He looks so cute and smells yummy! Every time he has to go he puts on a big show. First we ask him "Ju-Ju, wanna get a haircut?" and he's super excited. If you have a dog, you know if you say "you wanna____" anything he's usually super excited!

We get his paperwork ready and we go to the groomer. Again he is so excited to be in the car! We pull up he gets out and he's still so happy! I often think What's wrong with him. We walk thru the doors and enter the grooming area and it hits him like a ton of bricks. He starts shaking and grabbing his own leash with his mouth. He even shivers in the corner. Drama!!! And lots of it! Award Winning Drama!!! After I sign him in he starts to cry. His groomer Talana always talks "baby talk" to him and ask him what's wrong. After a few hours of pampering we pick him up and he's so cute!!! And he knows it. He struts his stuff! Prancing!!! Josh and I are almost embarrassed. It's just too cute.


Gary Granger said...

I think he gets that from Uncle Todd.

Anonymous said...

I'm debating who's picture is cuter...TOP DOG or CAPTIAN ADOREABLE...leaning more towards CAPTIAN ADOREABLE