Sunday, June 14, 2009

Picture Frame!

So neither Josh or I are the best at taking pictures! We have a fairly new camera that has so many settings. We both need to sit around and just play around with the camera and read up on it. Cole either goes cross eyed or closes his eyes because of the crazy flash!!!
This week Cole had his 2 week check up. Apparently we need to "Yanky the Baby's Wanky"
Between Ju-Ju and having Cole there seems to be no boundaries-I've crossed every line!
We need to get a Birthday wish out to our nephew Seth! His mom wrote us and he's growing like crazy he's already 5'4" which we all know I only dream being that tall! Happy Birthday Seth
Tomorrow I will be flying solo with the grr pup and baby! Josh will be going back to work. He has been so helpful I'm sure tomorrow will be an adventure. Don't get me wrong Ju-Ju is extremely helpful but the extra pair of hands is a bit nicer then a wet puppy kiss!

1 comment:

Fultz Family said...

How cute is the baby and the blog. Congratulations!