Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hello 2011!
So my plans for the new year are as followed:
Work on being healthier, Cut my losses and move on, and Adventure. I think all three will be great to do as a family. Things are moving into action already. Cole and I are signed up at the YMCA. He gets play time with other kids and we get to use the pool. We don't call Cole "Baby Beluga" for nothing!!! He loves the water. We already had grandpa Bob come and join us too.
With the new year we will also find out soon where our next base is going to be. I'm thankful that Cole and I have been given the time to spend with my family. There are a few things I wish I would have done differently or changed but I think that's life. I've accepted the fact that you just cant' change people. And you can't be in two places at once!
The condo is being rented out. Tenants will move in the condo in about two more weeks. I wish we could wash our hands of it but I'm also pleased that we will get to return someday. We have some great friends in the DC area.
As for adventure, I was hoping to leave the house; but with Cole I may not need to do that, it's always an adventure with an 19month boy around.
I apologize for not blogging more. I have several fun stories but I often draw a blank when I come to make an entry. But not today!
After I took the mail in today Cole was flipping through the magazines. Actually it was the Victoria Secret Swim Suit Magazine. His father would be proud as he would point at the boobies and be boos (belly buttons) on some of the girls. At times I would look away and he would shout "Be Boos" until I would look at the magazine. Boys will be boys! Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays.

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