Sunday, June 20, 2010


It's been awhile since I took the time to write a post. We recently spent a long weekend in Florida. It was nice to get away from the humidity-I never thought going to Florida would be the answer for that! We spent a lot of time at the hotel. It had several pools and play areas for Cole. And we had a wonderful patio/balcony where we ended each day with dinner and the paper!

Josh is on his last week school. At least for a little bit. Hopefully we can do a few more road trips around this area before he has to head out for his next TDY.

Cole has been gibbering and gabbering away. He has a list of words that he already says; and the daily scolding that I don't understand, but we must have really upset him-he goes on and on and usually is pointing his finger at me or Ju-Ju! It makes me laugh.

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