Jeff and David (from work) had a baby shower for Josh and I at there house on Thursday. They are so thoughtful and always taking very good care of us. We have loads of little goodies for the baby and probably way too many outfits! His closet is looking way better then mine or Josh's. This week I will spend it finishing writing thank-you notes. I'm horrible at those little boogers. They sit on my table and I do a few at a time and then I push them into a little pile. Blow them off for a few days and start again! But I'm toward the end and hopefully it will feel so good getting them off to the post office.
We made our last trip to the outlet mall before the baby comes too! We picked up a few things we had on our list. Josh lost it again at the "Carter store" He fills the bag up in no time and we are out the door! I like to pick and chose and try to think what he has already and how big he'll be for what outfit. If Josh likes it he puts it in the bag, then tosses it on the counter and we are out of there! It's like getting a present when I get home I have no idea what he just bought!
The doctor appointments are stacking on top of each other. I have one every week the month of April. It's exciting because we don't have too much more time before the little guy is here.
I used my prenatal massage on Saturday. It was a good rainy day for it. It felt pretty good. I'm not really into going to get a massage; It's more Josh's thing but I'm really glad I did it. It was a good present-that Josh is always thinking.
Josh is busy at work like usual. He's hours are still pretty yucky. He's been working extra hard because he is enrolled in school for his masters. He spends endless hours on the computer-But hopefully it will all pay off toward the end! He has the Cherry Blossom race this weekend. But I have a feeling he isn't looking forward to that. He hasn't got a long run in probably since November! He just hasn't had the time between work and school. The days are getting longer here so hopefully he can hit the trail a little more at night. He really loves to run~
Hey Josh and Tiffany... I was just catching up on your blog and realized I haven't read it in a while, because I didn't know you were pregnant! Congratulations!!! That's so awesome :) I hope everything is going well!
I love the Carter's store too! They have the cutest things! And they fit really well and hold up well also. When is your due date? Is it close to Isaac's b-day? On May2 I have a niece who shares Isaac's b-day it would be neat to have another close to there. It's easy to remember! Have you guys decided on any names? I know what you mean about the appt's with Kendrick I had to go weekly for like 10 weeks! It was crazy and then during the last 5 weeks I had to go to the hospital weekly as well for monitoring! Well I hope everything goes well for you guys!
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