Every month Josh takes a baby belly picture. I'll show February's because I have a feeling March is going to be ugly. (HUGE)

The first weekend I skipped I had a huge surprise. Alana, Lana, and Brig flew out. I had no idea they were coming. I was tucked away in bed when there was a knock on the door. Josh asked me if I heard that and I said yes-"who would knock on our basement door?" He went to the door and I told him "don't just open it-look!!!" Then walks in the three girls! I couldn't believe it! I couldn't even jump up and do the pee-pee dance with excitement because I had been in bed already for a few hours and was hot. I took off my PJ bottoms!!! They all laughed when I told them I was hot and I didn't have any pajama bottoms! The things you say when you don't expect company or when you've been sleeping for a couple of hours.
I showed them around a bit. We went tot he Pentagon Memorial, Georgetown, and the White House. Brig always likes to say "one scared we're all scared" and we had a few stories like that!
Alana got caught in the doors and the security sensor at Barnes and Noble- I can't even begin to explain the noise that came out of her-I still laugh when I think about it. It was the first time Lana was here! I wish I could have shown her around a bit more.
Josh and I decided on new running shoes for each other for Valentines Day! I picked out some hot new Asics.
The following week I was hit with the FLU BUG! and I thought I was going to die...Agh I hate being sick! Lucky for Josh he didn't get it. He was working alot and was at a conference. I think it was better that he was gone. I slept for several hours and it felt so good to just sleep.
February is my B-day month. I turned 30! I can't beleive it-I saw it written at the doctor's office-Ouch 30! Am I really 30?
With that I spent another weekend with Alana, Lana, and Brig. They threw a party for me and "Nubs." I got several cute stuff to help Josh and I with the baby. Catey my neice has been super helpful throwing out names. Josh and I have a small list that we narrowed it down to. But I think we are going to have to see the little guy to make our final decision! But...I'm open for suggestions-we still have time.
Our appointments seem to be going well-I've had a couple follow-ups when it come to radiology. It seems the little guy doesn't like to sit still. They've tried having me lay on my side. Use the restroom. Walk around. The last appointment led us to another hospital-where they have a stronger machine/different level. They final got the views of his spine and all four heart chambers. My attitude toward it all-"IT IS WHAT IT IS." There's no need to get all worked up about it, I can't stress the what if and maybes. It seems to be working for me! I don't have to go back in until late this month. Which after so many appoinments last month I'm cool with that.
Glad all is working out! I love belly pics! I am a big prego freak. It is probably a good thing that we don't live closer as I would have to molest your belly and there are alot of women who don't like that!
Seriously, you look beautiful!
Tiffany you look so cute!! I hope I look that good when I'm pregnant :)
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