It was a fun Day! Cole and I did the usual stuff, brought Ju-Ju for a walk, went to church...
Josh is staying busy. He will be finishing up school shortly. Every once in awhile he will ask me what he use to do before he did school work-I always answer him, you were at work! Hopefully it will all pay off.
Cole is a big hit at the office. Now that he walks around he usually leaves my office and goes to David's and takes some colored pencils for rendering, then visits Karen for a hug, comes back and usually he's ready for a nap! Today David took a marker to my glass door and traced Cole and added Ju-Ju I'll try to take a picture and post it. It's really funny.
Happy Anniversary!
Brig and Gary
Happy 6th anniversary...we had our
44th on the 23rd...yikes are we getting old!!
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