Some poor soul that lives in our condo!
The largest springer ever!
Our stairwell-before the snow fell off the roof! I should have taken another pic
The weathermen actually nailed this one! The snow started to fall Friday night. Josh's flight was canceled. Actually the airport closed for awhile, Dulles Airport received 32.4" of snow! I haven't seen this much snow in a very long time. And there is no place to put it all.
Josh was reschedule. He was at the airport and ready to go at 2:00, then delayed, delayed and delayed until 9:30pm on an international flight! We were able to skpe this evening! That's when Cole thinks his Dad is flat-or always on t.v.
The news is currently reporting Tuesday we will receive an additional 1-2feet of snow! I've shoveled and sholved to find out that I will only have to shovel some more! Cole and I left this morning to do Checks and Purchase Order for the store and some lovely lady (BITCH) took my parking spot! I was so mad!!! So, I drove my kick ass mom mobile up over the snow and parked in a different spot. I regrouped-got Cole all snuggled up, put him in the infant carrier. Warmed up the truck to shovel out a new spot! I hope that lazy B-gets a flat! Or the plow hits her car.
So the local schools have been canceled not only today but Tuesday and Wednesday as well. I will try to keep you all posted on this crazy snowpocalypse.
Keep that shovel handy - it sounds like there is more on the way!
I can't laugh though, ours is coming tonight and tomorrow. Although, we have a little more room to throw ours than you do!!
Is it wrong that I am hoping for some of that snow to fall here? I love me a snow day! :-)
how annoying... I would have left a note on her car telling her off.
I hope you're staying warm!
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