It's been cold here. I look forward to some warm weather. I hate putting on so many layers! By the time you put your coat on you look more and more like the Michelin Man-Agh it's not a good feeling.
I'm on the schedule and back to work. Boy, did I pick a bad time to go back-It's Inventory Time!!! Paper Trail, Counting, and of course my boss in the Best Mood Ever! Welcome Back!!!
Josh and I recently did some early "Spring Cleaning." Cole officially has his own room. I haven't put up pictures yet for him, but I don't think he really cares about that! It feels weird-and I miss "my stuff" but it's just stuff. Someday we will be out of this condo and it will all feel like new again. That's what Josh is hoping for anyway!!!
I need to put out a Missing Ad. Poor Alana has lost/misplaced her wedding ring. So, if you feel like helping a friend please go to her house and help her find it! I feel super bad for her. If you don't want to look, send a check so I can buy a ticket to help her out. And to my extremely wealthy friends rather then donating to your favorite charity let me be your charity "Bring Tiffany Home To Find The Bling"
Gracey Granger is looking a little different these days. She lost her first tooth. I hope the tooth fairy got to her house. I'll be sure to call her and find out the scoop. I need to end this blog and save it before Cole pulls the wires on the computer! His new favorite past time is any cords under the desk seem to be fair game!
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