Yesterday we got 6 inches of snow! I love the city with a fresh blanket of snow. It's so pretty however it never last very long! Ju-Ju always puts a smile on my face when it snows. He acts like a young pup. Rolling and running around like crazy. And he's really good at helping me shovel.
Lately Josh and I have been taking turns picking out recipes. I found myself recently in the kitchen with fresh rosemary, dry wine, shallots...dicing and chopping and after all that Josh enjoyed the casserole I picked out a lot better. And today we went to the store without a list and bought the usual. A few fruits, some microwave quick snacks, and Josh's favorite disk shaped meal with many food groups-Tombstone Pizza! Looks like I'm going to be making magic in the kitchen this week or another stop to the grocery store!
Friends on mine celebrated a wedding anniversary this weekend. Congrats John and Jess! They are also 38 weeks pregos and will be welcoming a new baby girl soon. I've been checking there status on face book and no trip to the hospital yet-Good luck Gaffney family!
Cole's been around a whopping 8months! With the happy squels and his baby talk I could just eat him up. Today I had plans to take a nap with him but he snuck one in right after church! Oh man I was so looking forward to a little shut eye. I asked him if he wanted to play the game library and be very quite for me but he really isn't a fan of that game!!!
We brought our cars in to be maintained this week. Now that our beautiful Audi is growing old she is no longer under warranty and needs tender loving care in exchange for Josh's kidney! Yikes the trip to the garage wasn't cheap. Poor Josh feels like he may have been raped.
Hope everyone is staying warm, seems like it's pretty chilly all across the States!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
He did it
I over heard him saying it's an anniversary gift to himself! Trust me-I can't wait to buy my anniversary gift!!! Poor Josh! My gift probably wont come in that size box...
Last night we walked over to our friends house and snacked on some veggies, had a few glasses of wine and laughed the night away. It's been awhile. We had a really great time and need to do it more often.
Mr. Cole has a new hairdo! I have a feeling I'm gonna have my hands-full. Speaking of-I better run!
More later
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Daddy Daycare
I look at the calendar and can't believe it's half way through the month! Tomorrow will be "Daddy Daycare" at our house. That's when Cole, Ju-Ju and Josh spend the day together while I'm bust my butt another day at work on a government holiday. Someday I hoped to be employeed and receive all government holidays off! It funny to see how many government employees are in this area-Gotta Love DC!
Speaking of that...Josh will be deployed this year. He finally got the word. So now it's decision time for us. We know he will be gone for 6months. And when he returns back to the states his office will be moved up in Maryland toward Baltimore. So the big question is-Do we keep the condo? The commute is a nightmare! It will be only for a short time while he out processes. But could be 2 months or more who knows??? Hopefully Josh will be able to switch to spring/summer cycle. Looks like we are on the count down for leaving the DC area.
Lately we have been watching the football games. I don't know how many more I can stand! The good thing is my Dad has been betting my brother and it seems like Grandpa Bob is taking him to the cleaners! I'm not sure what he's going to do with his winning but I do know my Birthday is coming up-and I love the beach-Hint Hint!!!
Cole is certainly ALL BOY! With his new adventure on standing up and cruising (using furniture, the dog, and toys) to move about I wonder if he should be wearing a helmet! Yikes. I know it's only the beginning on bumps and bruises but my poor heart can't take much more! I'm fast and have cat like reflexes and find myself and weird situations. And to add to all that I say things out-loud that I never thought I would have to say.
He also has a big boy appetite. Alana introduced him to "Puffs" and he can eat several at a time. It's like having a bag of chips in front of Josh or Junior Mints in front of me. He continues to eat them until they are all gone. Josh calls him "Puff Daddy" or "The Puff Master" (I know the kids going to need therapy!)
Speaking of that...Josh will be deployed this year. He finally got the word. So now it's decision time for us. We know he will be gone for 6months. And when he returns back to the states his office will be moved up in Maryland toward Baltimore. So the big question is-Do we keep the condo? The commute is a nightmare! It will be only for a short time while he out processes. But could be 2 months or more who knows??? Hopefully Josh will be able to switch to spring/summer cycle. Looks like we are on the count down for leaving the DC area.
Lately we have been watching the football games. I don't know how many more I can stand! The good thing is my Dad has been betting my brother and it seems like Grandpa Bob is taking him to the cleaners! I'm not sure what he's going to do with his winning but I do know my Birthday is coming up-and I love the beach-Hint Hint!!!
Cole is certainly ALL BOY! With his new adventure on standing up and cruising (using furniture, the dog, and toys) to move about I wonder if he should be wearing a helmet! Yikes. I know it's only the beginning on bumps and bruises but my poor heart can't take much more! I'm fast and have cat like reflexes and find myself and weird situations. And to add to all that I say things out-loud that I never thought I would have to say.
He also has a big boy appetite. Alana introduced him to "Puffs" and he can eat several at a time. It's like having a bag of chips in front of Josh or Junior Mints in front of me. He continues to eat them until they are all gone. Josh calls him "Puff Daddy" or "The Puff Master" (I know the kids going to need therapy!)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
It's been cold here. I look forward to some warm weather. I hate putting on so many layers! By the time you put your coat on you look more and more like the Michelin Man-Agh it's not a good feeling.
I'm on the schedule and back to work. Boy, did I pick a bad time to go back-It's Inventory Time!!! Paper Trail, Counting, and of course my boss in the Best Mood Ever! Welcome Back!!!
Josh and I recently did some early "Spring Cleaning." Cole officially has his own room. I haven't put up pictures yet for him, but I don't think he really cares about that! It feels weird-and I miss "my stuff" but it's just stuff. Someday we will be out of this condo and it will all feel like new again. That's what Josh is hoping for anyway!!!
I need to put out a Missing Ad. Poor Alana has lost/misplaced her wedding ring. So, if you feel like helping a friend please go to her house and help her find it! I feel super bad for her. If you don't want to look, send a check so I can buy a ticket to help her out. And to my extremely wealthy friends rather then donating to your favorite charity let me be your charity "Bring Tiffany Home To Find The Bling"
Gracey Granger is looking a little different these days. She lost her first tooth. I hope the tooth fairy got to her house. I'll be sure to call her and find out the scoop. I need to end this blog and save it before Cole pulls the wires on the computer! His new favorite past time is any cords under the desk seem to be fair game!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Wrap Up!
Well 2009 really flew by. Thanks to the help of Cole and Josh keeping our house interesting as ever.
I was informed last night that Josh feels he should teach a class on swaddling! So all my friends that are expecting if you would like to sign up for the course please contact Josh. (Really he was pretty good at it)
Josh continues to work on his Masters. I think he is very thankful that the last class(es) ended. He still hopes to finish around April even with all his up coming travels for work. He will be out of town 7 of the 12 months this year. He's even traveling overseas a few times. Hopefully Cole and I will get a chance to visit him.
Cole is hitting a few more milestones. 7months exactly to the day he learned how to pull himself to a stand-Little Stinker!!! And for Christmas he got his 2 (lower) front teeth! They broke though and I got a few peeks at them; they are hard to catch on Camera but I will soon post that winning smile!
I continue to help out down at the store. I will be doing more admin work, so I've been told! But lately I'm still working on projects and pulling fabrics. I'm just going with the flow these days.
Some highlights from this past year...
Grandpa Bob turned 70. Brig turned 40. Todd and Lana received an anonymous donation for helping out the community. Monte relocated his business. Little Josh has a new place! Summer finished school, Brandee had a little boy. And everyone seems to be in good health! Now that's a year.
Lately I noticed several of my followers on Facebook. I can't believe how addicting it is. And how you are basically allowed to stalk other people-WEIRD!!! It's socially acceptable and I can't get enough of it! I do have a few issues with facebook:
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all-Unless it's about your own hubby!
Mofia Wars-Really??? I don't get all those games but the last game that I took to was Tetris on Nintendo.
And people who post every meal. I too post my meals on "Weight Watchers" but not on facebook. I just find it funny but occasionally helpful because it gives me an idea what to make or not to make for dinner. Enough about that.
Hope everyone had fun over the Holidays and didn't eat too much. Both Josh and I are working out like crazy! I guess that's the price you have to pay. And are you sitting down? We went to CHURCH!!! Our last big accomplishment was upgrading our cell phones. I no longer look like Zach Morris walking down the street!
Happy New Year Everyone!
I was informed last night that Josh feels he should teach a class on swaddling! So all my friends that are expecting if you would like to sign up for the course please contact Josh. (Really he was pretty good at it)
Josh continues to work on his Masters. I think he is very thankful that the last class(es) ended. He still hopes to finish around April even with all his up coming travels for work. He will be out of town 7 of the 12 months this year. He's even traveling overseas a few times. Hopefully Cole and I will get a chance to visit him.
Cole is hitting a few more milestones. 7months exactly to the day he learned how to pull himself to a stand-Little Stinker!!! And for Christmas he got his 2 (lower) front teeth! They broke though and I got a few peeks at them; they are hard to catch on Camera but I will soon post that winning smile!
I continue to help out down at the store. I will be doing more admin work, so I've been told! But lately I'm still working on projects and pulling fabrics. I'm just going with the flow these days.
Some highlights from this past year...
Grandpa Bob turned 70. Brig turned 40. Todd and Lana received an anonymous donation for helping out the community. Monte relocated his business. Little Josh has a new place! Summer finished school, Brandee had a little boy. And everyone seems to be in good health! Now that's a year.
Lately I noticed several of my followers on Facebook. I can't believe how addicting it is. And how you are basically allowed to stalk other people-WEIRD!!! It's socially acceptable and I can't get enough of it! I do have a few issues with facebook:
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all-Unless it's about your own hubby!
Mofia Wars-Really??? I don't get all those games but the last game that I took to was Tetris on Nintendo.
And people who post every meal. I too post my meals on "Weight Watchers" but not on facebook. I just find it funny but occasionally helpful because it gives me an idea what to make or not to make for dinner. Enough about that.
Hope everyone had fun over the Holidays and didn't eat too much. Both Josh and I are working out like crazy! I guess that's the price you have to pay. And are you sitting down? We went to CHURCH!!! Our last big accomplishment was upgrading our cell phones. I no longer look like Zach Morris walking down the street!
Happy New Year Everyone!
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