We had some more visitors! Gary and Brig came out to see us. The first few days they wandered the local area. When Josh snuck away from the office we headed for the beach. We ended up staying at these cute little cabins-a switch for us, so Josh and I really enjoyed it. We spent some time walking the beach looking at the sand dunes, lighthouses, and the ships out in the ocean. In the afternoon-they couldn't take it anymore they wanted to say they swam in the ocean! Brrr! Josh said his legs went numb. It looked cold. I took some great action shots and prayed to God they wouldn't get me wet! Ju-Ju had a blast running the beach acting like a mad man. He was so wore out we had to take a nap when we got back!

We played cards and had to laugh because we didn't have poker chips or change so we were using beer tops! We ended up walking around and having a pretty relaxed weekend, eating snacks all day long. Ju-Ju was such a good boy! I was so proud of him. He has such a personality and is a really good traveler!
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