Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Holidays!
Wow! This year is flying by. Josh and I both continue to be super busy with work. The fun part is coming home and bringing in the mail. We got so many cute cards! I also have been sliding the packages under the tree except for one. My Dad sent yummy "angel food candy." I don't even want to tell you how much of it I ate. Thank God it's cool enough here to wear sweaters and hide those extra pounds from all the sweets!
Josh and I found ourselves at the post office this weekend once again. I hope everyone gets there treats on time. The lines here are so big. Now they have machines where you can scan/meter your own packages the problem is there are so many people that just aren't computer wizzes.
Josh and I finally got together with friends this week too our schedules are making it really hard to make plans with other couples! It was nice to get out and hang out with some friends. Josh got away from the office this weekend-he had to tell his boss how he hasn't Christmas Shopped yet! I think he actually felt bad for him (he didn't have to go in today either). So we went to Tyson's Mall, split up for a bit, and shopped for one another. Tyson has really great stores but it's just so darn big. Of course it's too cold out to go with out a jacket but it's blasting hot inside. Seriously it happens every year at the malls, can't they figure out to adjust the heat accordingly throughout the day! I guess it's what makes it memorable. Hope everyone is ready for Christmas!
Josh and I found ourselves at the post office this weekend once again. I hope everyone gets there treats on time. The lines here are so big. Now they have machines where you can scan/meter your own packages the problem is there are so many people that just aren't computer wizzes.
Josh and I finally got together with friends this week too our schedules are making it really hard to make plans with other couples! It was nice to get out and hang out with some friends. Josh got away from the office this weekend-he had to tell his boss how he hasn't Christmas Shopped yet! I think he actually felt bad for him (he didn't have to go in today either). So we went to Tyson's Mall, split up for a bit, and shopped for one another. Tyson has really great stores but it's just so darn big. Of course it's too cold out to go with out a jacket but it's blasting hot inside. Seriously it happens every year at the malls, can't they figure out to adjust the heat accordingly throughout the day! I guess it's what makes it memorable. Hope everyone is ready for Christmas!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I saw a snowflake!
Last night it finally tried to snow. After living years in WI, then going to Germany-I can say I truly miss snow. I shouldn't even write home about it because I don't think it would even be considered a dusting back in the Fox Cities-but a little white flake for some reason makes it feel a little more like the holidays! Josh misses the snow because Ju-Ju goes WILD! To add to the story I walked to the store and bought the ingredients to make cut out cookies. I made the dough, chilled it, baked them, and will be frosting this evening. If there are any left! Ju-Ju and Josh seem to think they are good before I frost and decorate them. Oh well!
We are still working crazy hours. For me this time of year it is to be expected. Families want there homes to look nice for the holidays. And in the fall we usually have the biggest sale of the year-which makes custom furniture ship (6-12). We also extend the hours. I can't wait until after the first of the year. The pressure of deadlines may kill me soon. The decorator I assist is getting really sick and burnt out-Last week he said "If the police ask, tell them I did it!" " No Drama, no mini series" He said that because he was ready to kill our boss/his partner! The holidays can put people in retail in a really good mood. Tis the season...
We are still working crazy hours. For me this time of year it is to be expected. Families want there homes to look nice for the holidays. And in the fall we usually have the biggest sale of the year-which makes custom furniture ship (6-12). We also extend the hours. I can't wait until after the first of the year. The pressure of deadlines may kill me soon. The decorator I assist is getting really sick and burnt out-Last week he said "If the police ask, tell them I did it!" " No Drama, no mini series" He said that because he was ready to kill our boss/his partner! The holidays can put people in retail in a really good mood. Tis the season...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Capital Tour
Last weekend we did a tour of the Capital! What an experience. Josh was able to get us tickets before they reopen! They are offering tours to government employees-They are in there trial period. I couldn't take Pictures inside; Sorry! When we left for the Metro it was 27 degrees-Brrr!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Texas with the Kice's
Here's Ethan!
Richard, Josh, and I did the River boat cruise!
After the Race!
Javier and Josh
April finished her first full Marathon we are so proud of her!
Way to go APRIL!!!
We had a great time in Texas. We all just wish we could of spent a few more days. It's always fun seeing friends and family. The Kice home is beautiful! And Ethan of coarse is getting so big and is a blast to play with. April is starting a new class and we wish her all the luck! Study hard April.
Richard took the day off and gave us a tour of San Antonio. We did the water front and the Alamo. I got some shopping in and the boys went to see the new James Bond movie! The race went well. There were so many runners hopefully they can fix the hang ups for next year. Josh and Richard did the half marathon and April did her first full. She looked great!
Friday, November 14, 2008
The day I took this picture, Josh said we needed to throw out some of his babies. We made a plan and Josh decided to throw every toy and what ever Ju-Ju didn't catch would be the toys we would throw out. Well I would hate to tell you the score-But lets put it this way Ju-Ju is keeping all of his babies!!! Josh was tossing them high in the air. He was putting a little umph behind it. And simply trying to trick the puppy. It didn't work. Ju-Ju has a heaping basket of toys to prove it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Black Betty
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Birthday Wish
Happy Birthday Kalie!
This past week we had another B-day girl in the family! I haven't heard yet on how she spent her big day, but I can only imagine all the fun they had. I hope Kalie didn't eat too much cake.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A day at the Beach!
We had some more visitors! Gary and Brig came out to see us. The first few days they wandered the local area. When Josh snuck away from the office we headed for the beach. We ended up staying at these cute little cabins-a switch for us, so Josh and I really enjoyed it. We spent some time walking the beach looking at the sand dunes, lighthouses, and the ships out in the ocean. In the afternoon-they couldn't take it anymore they wanted to say they swam in the ocean! Brrr! Josh said his legs went numb. It looked cold. I took some great action shots and prayed to God they wouldn't get me wet! Ju-Ju had a blast running the beach acting like a mad man. He was so wore out we had to take a nap when we got back!

We played cards and had to laugh because we didn't have poker chips or change so we were using beer tops! We ended up walking around and having a pretty relaxed weekend, eating snacks all day long. Ju-Ju was such a good boy! I was so proud of him. He has such a personality and is a really good traveler!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Another Marine Corp Marathon Completed!
Last weekend Josh ran the Marine Corp Marathon for the second time. Improving his personal time by minutes! One more race to go this year and I can write about something else! LOL
This year my Dad came out to watch. I think he was really surprised to see how many people are involved in this huge race. I had us right near the finish line. I took a few pictures while Josh pushed up the hill to the finish line having his best time thus far 3:37.02.
After the race my dad and I met up with Josh. We got to laugh at him while he cramped up and scavenged for snacks and drinks! Josh is paying the price with aches, and blisters. The joys of being a runner. We had a really good time. The weather was a little chilly in the morning but it's always a good race day when it doesn't rain.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The things you do
This past Sunday I did a half marathon! I know-what was I thinking? It was 44 degrees out when I started and it just wouldn't warm up too much. I ran along the Potomac River toward Mount Vernon. It was really windy out and at one point I just wanted Josh to pick me up! But I stuck it out and made it back to Pacers/finish line. It was a Nike Virtual Run. The actual Race was held in San Francisco. They didn't chip us but I finished with a girl that was all about her time and looked at her watch every minute toward the end. I ran 10minute miles which isn't great but I finished in 2hrs and 10minutes which isn't bad considering I'm usually the one that just walks or is standing at the finish line for Josh! There was only one water station too. I was crazy thirsty by the time I saw Josh and he already spotted water and a smoothie for me! For my victory race we went to TGI Fridays. Which every good race should follow up with a greasy dinner! Here are a few of my running thoughts:
Why do people do this, this isn't fun at all?
Are you kidding me, they are only running 5miles?
I hope no one can see my @ss! (I had to pee- and there was only one bathroom station the entire 13 miles)
I'm going to kill Josh! (right before I left I put on a zip up and he told me "don't over dress") I was freezing and it was crazy windy my legs were red/raw from the wind.
All in all it wasn't bad. Will I do it again-probably!
Why do people do this, this isn't fun at all?
Are you kidding me, they are only running 5miles?
I hope no one can see my @ss! (I had to pee- and there was only one bathroom station the entire 13 miles)
I'm going to kill Josh! (right before I left I put on a zip up and he told me "don't over dress") I was freezing and it was crazy windy my legs were red/raw from the wind.
All in all it wasn't bad. Will I do it again-probably!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Bathroom Project
Here is the bathroom before! Agh...That's all I can say about that.
"Ta-Da!!!" It's finally done. It took a few days for the dust to settle and to get the cabinets organized. Both Josh and I are so happy to see it done. I know our friends and family that had a chance to see it in real life will be happy to visit again and test out the new bathroom out! Psst...the toilet flushes and no longer shreds the paper! I will have to rename the basement toilet-but how can you beat the name "Shredder?"
We had a really good weekend. We got a lot accomplished around the house. We both spent time on the trail running. Today we even got the bikes out. Now that's a good weekend.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Birthdays and Anniversaries Ga-lord
Happy Anniversary to you! Happy Anniversary to you! Happy Anniversay Todd & Lana/Gary & Brig Happy Anniversary to you! I hope you both have a "Hot Date!" Is Grandpa Bob Babysitting for date night? The years are sure going fast.
Zane and Todd are both celebrating a Birthday too this weekend. I'm telling you it's a really busy month. Of coarse I hope they save a piece of cake for me. Yum, I love Birthday Cake! Today I have a cute picture of Zane swimming at the neighbors cabin. I haven't heard what his birthday wish is-but I'm sure it's a good one.
Poor Alana
Well, I'm late again! Happy Belated Birthday! October is a crazy month for Josh and I every year. Just a lot of special days this month. To top it all off we just had our bathroom remodeled. I have the joys of putting everything back in! Agh it's not a fun job. There is still a lot of dust flying around it actually is making me super crazy! For the first time in my married life I have drawers in my bathroom. In our home in Germany we had open shelves! Here we had a vanity that has seen better days! I'll show you before pictures once I put them on the computer. So I am really happy! Of coarse that involved a trip to Target to get trays to put in the drawers. A trip to Target will make anyone happy.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Ethan Allen
Happy Birthday Ethan!
Ethan just had his birthday last week! I haven't got the scoop yet on his party-I know he'll give me the dirt soon! Rumor has it he got a new video game from Grandpa Bob. I'm sure he's got it mastered already. If not he better practice. Hope you had a good day and ate a piece of cake for me. Love ya "E"
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
AF Marathon

Josh, Ju-Ju, and I hit the road Wednesday night and drove toward Ohio. After a few hours we pulled over and found a hotel that was pet friendly. After an excellent truck driver breakfast we got back in the car and made the rest of the way to Ohio. Of course it wasn't easy. The Audi which I like to refer to her as "Bling Bling" decided she wanted to make the drive a little more interesting. Bling Bling was acting up and we had to call the Audi dealer. We explained what we were experiencing and was told where the nearest location was and it wasn't close! Once we made it to the dealer everything happened so fast. They did the diagnosis check and found that it was the speed sensor they had a new rental/Jetta come by we packed all the stuff in the rental car and was in and out in about 30 minutes! It was AWESOME! I love my Audi and my Audi dealer!!!
We met up with Josh's family. The kids are getting really big! Kalei even started school this year.
The babies surprised me the most Claire and Mac are so BIG! I'm pretty partial to them because of there dark hair, and big smiles. The first day we spent some time on the trampoline. There was a lot of giggling going on.
By the next morning our car was ready! We first made a stop in to Josh's Grandma & Grandpa. They look great Grandma is so into family photos she has been busy lately cleaning up and dividing the pictures to all the kids. Josh loved the pack he got. She had loads that he's never seen before. Of course they brought back many memories just like they are suppose to.
Saturday was race day. I was so proud of Josh and he was happy with his time. The next few weeks I will write alot about marathons (Josh's Other Job) Next race is the Army Ten Miler!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Josh, Richard, and Javier made a special trip out to see Virgil before his open heart surgery. Bobbi was so happy they made it. She told me it was perfect timing because they were having a pity party! Virgil even took them for a ride around the Academy. Josh told me it was emotional (he's the girl in our relationship!) I blame it on his condition!!! All three are flying out tonight.
Good Luck Virgil We Will Be Thinking About You!
I spent the weekend shopping with Mike and Yvette. We went out to the expo then walked around Georgetown. It was suppose to rain, but it never did. We hit a few stores and filled our belly's with an ice cream treat! Mike has VIP at the Lucky Store. Yvette and I were very lucky to be with him there!!! Of coarse we took it to a new level-poor Mike, he just received a mail out from the store saying he was a VIP!
Today Ju-Ju and I went to the park. He has such a personality. I let him swim for a bit just because it was so warm out.
My brother Gary sucks because he got to go sailing this week up in Lake Superior. I can't believe he didn't ask me. I called him to get the dirt! The water was 50sum degrees and they even went swimming BRRRrrrrr! They also took the dingy out and went to shore to do some hiking. I'm glad he found something he really enjoys- He'll be here next month with Brig. I'm so excited.
Friday it sounded like Catey and Gracey were having fun in the basement. They were singing Kid Rock-They were pretending they were in concert with red rubber galoshes and camo on! That's exactly what I would wear! I wish we all lived closer-all the kids are at the perfect age and just so funny!
This week we hit to the road for the Air Force Marathon. Last year it was Josh's first full Marathon! He did really good. Although he still talks about hitting the wall!
This is one of the many great photo's he has from that day. After the race we all got together and went swimming with his family. I think the water helped his little legs. Little Josh, Chrissy,Todd, Ashley, myself and my Josh went for wings and beers-just what every marathon runner eats after the big race.
Crime Stoppers
On Thursday I had the weirdest lunch break ever. I rather tell you the story then write it but I can't stop laughing about it, so I thought I would share it. I only get a 30minute break! and let me tell you a lot can happen in 30 minutes.
I walk out of the store and walk to the local Starbucks and get an ice drink. While I'm at the pick up counter a girl that works the floor at the store I work at comes in doesn't acknowledge me and goes to the counter and complains about the bagel she got. I just thought it was crazy! She would have picked up the bagel went to the store noticed what happened wrapped the bagel back up and walked back to Starbucks. I would have ate it or tossed it! She's so high maintenance.
I get my drink and pick up a straw on the way out the door. A lady gives me a compliment on my shirt It's a Baby doll shirt and she says "Cute Maternity Shirt" Rather then explain it's not I say thank you and walk to the edge of the park where I have lunch the majority of the time.
I use to sit in the park by the water. After a few weeks of doing that I noticed I wouldn't even be out of the park and homeless men would be digging in the trash and going through my lunch so now I sit on the edge of the park and it doesn't make me feel so sad. Any who! I was sitting on the steps when a homeless man approaches me and ask to use my phone.
Homeless Man: "Can I use your phone"
Me: "No"
Homeless Man: "Come On"
Me: "Who are you going to call?"
Homeless: "I have an important call to make"
Me: "What's it about?"
Homeless Man: "Look here's the number"
Me: "No, I don't want you to steal my phone"
Homeless Man: "I'll give you my wallet"
Me: "I don't know"...I was thinking your homeless what do you have in your wallet?
Homeless man then shows me the number on a officer's/police business card so I start calling the number. I wait a few rings the officer answers and I give the homeless man my phone
Homeless Man on the Phone: "Hey it's Conner's. Canetty is at the park, yah right now!"
The homeless man gives me my phone and walks in the park and sits on a bench.
I then call Alana and tell her Josh is going to kill me I just gave my phone to a homeless man and he just narked out another homeless guy. So Alana and I are talking when an unmarked squad car pulls up.
The officer is not wearing a uniform, but has gortex gloves on, a badge and gun around his waist goes into the park to the two homeless men seating on the park bench. I can't hear what he's saying but I tell Alana play by play what I see-Then I see the officer having the other homeless man stand up. You can tell they are arguing-the officer then swipes the homeless man on the grounds has his arms behind him and starts to handcuff him. I tell Alana I have to go.
At this point two more squad cars pull up. The officer is patting him down. Another policeman is walking into the park and has a plastic bag. He opens the bag up meanwhile the other officer is patting him down and finding things on the homeless man and removing them. The police go throw his lunch bag and find more Drugs! Yes I'm apart of a drug bust at the park!
I couldn't take my eyes off and I often see the homeless man that I let use my phone look over at me. I freak out I grab my drink and walk down and around into the book store and walk all the way back into the bookstore and watch from the window. I see them taking the clear bag that has drugs in to back to the squad car-I look at my watch and notice I need to get back to the store. I walk back to the store tell David what just happen to me...Seriously I was apart of a drug bust. David called me a Nark the rest of the day. I couldn't talk to Josh because he had a lot going on with September 11 and the Pentagon...I told him boy do I ever have a story for you at dinner tonight.
That night Josh gets home and I tell him he can't interrupt let me tell the story. I still wonder if the homeless man I gave my phone to was really homeless or undercover-Crazy I tell you. Josh now sends me emails for registration for the FBI. I tell him Ju-Ju is the new look for McGruff the crime stopping dog! CRAZY!!!
I think I'm going to find a new place to have lunch for awhile!
I walk out of the store and walk to the local Starbucks and get an ice drink. While I'm at the pick up counter a girl that works the floor at the store I work at comes in doesn't acknowledge me and goes to the counter and complains about the bagel she got. I just thought it was crazy! She would have picked up the bagel went to the store noticed what happened wrapped the bagel back up and walked back to Starbucks. I would have ate it or tossed it! She's so high maintenance.
I get my drink and pick up a straw on the way out the door. A lady gives me a compliment on my shirt It's a Baby doll shirt and she says "Cute Maternity Shirt" Rather then explain it's not I say thank you and walk to the edge of the park where I have lunch the majority of the time.
I use to sit in the park by the water. After a few weeks of doing that I noticed I wouldn't even be out of the park and homeless men would be digging in the trash and going through my lunch so now I sit on the edge of the park and it doesn't make me feel so sad. Any who! I was sitting on the steps when a homeless man approaches me and ask to use my phone.
Homeless Man: "Can I use your phone"
Me: "No"
Homeless Man: "Come On"
Me: "Who are you going to call?"
Homeless: "I have an important call to make"
Me: "What's it about?"
Homeless Man: "Look here's the number"
Me: "No, I don't want you to steal my phone"
Homeless Man: "I'll give you my wallet"
Me: "I don't know"...I was thinking your homeless what do you have in your wallet?
Homeless man then shows me the number on a officer's/police business card so I start calling the number. I wait a few rings the officer answers and I give the homeless man my phone
Homeless Man on the Phone: "Hey it's Conner's. Canetty is at the park, yah right now!"
The homeless man gives me my phone and walks in the park and sits on a bench.
I then call Alana and tell her Josh is going to kill me I just gave my phone to a homeless man and he just narked out another homeless guy. So Alana and I are talking when an unmarked squad car pulls up.
The officer is not wearing a uniform, but has gortex gloves on, a badge and gun around his waist goes into the park to the two homeless men seating on the park bench. I can't hear what he's saying but I tell Alana play by play what I see-Then I see the officer having the other homeless man stand up. You can tell they are arguing-the officer then swipes the homeless man on the grounds has his arms behind him and starts to handcuff him. I tell Alana I have to go.
At this point two more squad cars pull up. The officer is patting him down. Another policeman is walking into the park and has a plastic bag. He opens the bag up meanwhile the other officer is patting him down and finding things on the homeless man and removing them. The police go throw his lunch bag and find more Drugs! Yes I'm apart of a drug bust at the park!
I couldn't take my eyes off and I often see the homeless man that I let use my phone look over at me. I freak out I grab my drink and walk down and around into the book store and walk all the way back into the bookstore and watch from the window. I see them taking the clear bag that has drugs in to back to the squad car-I look at my watch and notice I need to get back to the store. I walk back to the store tell David what just happen to me...Seriously I was apart of a drug bust. David called me a Nark the rest of the day. I couldn't talk to Josh because he had a lot going on with September 11 and the Pentagon...I told him boy do I ever have a story for you at dinner tonight.
That night Josh gets home and I tell him he can't interrupt let me tell the story. I still wonder if the homeless man I gave my phone to was really homeless or undercover-Crazy I tell you. Josh now sends me emails for registration for the FBI. I tell him Ju-Ju is the new look for McGruff the crime stopping dog! CRAZY!!!
I think I'm going to find a new place to have lunch for awhile!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
This weekend we had the tropical storm. Hurricane Hanna. Once it started raining it just didn't want to stop. On Saturday we received 6.35 inches on rain! Last September all together we only had 3 inches of rain here in Alexandria! The Potomac was filthy today-It reminded me of the good ole Fox River!
You can tell people aren't playing games anymore. On Friday morning on my walk to work the city was flushing lines, setting up cones, and sandbags. This area is fairly low and the Potomac can really rise especially when the tide comes in.
To add to the story Josh and I ran the Pentagon Memorial (9-11) 5k race. It was right after the rain stopped. It started off pretty windy! Of coarse we ran past the Pentagon and it was so Hot in the parking lot area there wasn't a breeze. I ran 4 minutes faster this year then last year. I have to admit races aren't for me. I hate running that close to people. I enjoy running on the trail by myself. I felt like I wanted to let everyone pass me so they weren't running so close to me-I need space people!!! They haven't posted our official time yet. I guess I'm good again until next year! They had a pretty good turn out considering the weather.
They are getting ready to present the new Memorial for September 11Th. I will be sure to post info on ceremony.
At the race they had Josh's favorite-the Bag Pipes. It almost gave you chills. At the finish line they had two firemen ladders up off the fire truck and the US flag hanging between. That was pretty cool too! The hotels in Crystal City had loads of guest gawking out there windows; which made me laugh.
Friday night we had dinner with Jason and Farrah. They found out Thursday that they are leaving Alexandria and moving to Hershey PA. Farrah just got a new job! Congrats Farrah!!! Josh and I will miss them. Good thing they wont be too far away. Josh and I actually plan on going to the amusement park in Hershey next weekend. What's the chance of that?
You can tell people aren't playing games anymore. On Friday morning on my walk to work the city was flushing lines, setting up cones, and sandbags. This area is fairly low and the Potomac can really rise especially when the tide comes in.
To add to the story Josh and I ran the Pentagon Memorial (9-11) 5k race. It was right after the rain stopped. It started off pretty windy! Of coarse we ran past the Pentagon and it was so Hot in the parking lot area there wasn't a breeze. I ran 4 minutes faster this year then last year. I have to admit races aren't for me. I hate running that close to people. I enjoy running on the trail by myself. I felt like I wanted to let everyone pass me so they weren't running so close to me-I need space people!!! They haven't posted our official time yet. I guess I'm good again until next year! They had a pretty good turn out considering the weather.
They are getting ready to present the new Memorial for September 11Th. I will be sure to post info on ceremony.
At the race they had Josh's favorite-the Bag Pipes. It almost gave you chills. At the finish line they had two firemen ladders up off the fire truck and the US flag hanging between. That was pretty cool too! The hotels in Crystal City had loads of guest gawking out there windows; which made me laugh.
Friday night we had dinner with Jason and Farrah. They found out Thursday that they are leaving Alexandria and moving to Hershey PA. Farrah just got a new job! Congrats Farrah!!! Josh and I will miss them. Good thing they wont be too far away. Josh and I actually plan on going to the amusement park in Hershey next weekend. What's the chance of that?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Josh and I went out to the Dulles Expo for a Wine Tasting. It was awful! Looking back we were idiots for even going out there. To enter you had to pay an entrance fee and for a bracelet to test the wine. It was around $30. A bunch of Red Necks decided to get drunk! It was lovely, I'm sure 10yrs ago I would have done it with my friends and Josh agreed. We still went around tasting. And thought if we found a nice winery we would do a day trip to the vineyard. They had water to rinse your glass and spitters to empty it. It was a tasting so you don't have to drink it! Most stands had crackers to clean your palette. Josh and I have complete opposite taste buds. It usually makes cooking interesting here. I like Milk Chocolate he likes Dark Chocolate. I like chicken and fish he likes steaks...You get the idea. So of course I like sweet white wines he like dry red wine. I know now not even to try what he says is yummy-however don't trust the girl in the Nascar T-shirt either. I was at a stand and she suggested a white wine for me. . I took her suggestion, and threw-up in my mouth! I had tears in my eyes it was the worst wine I had ever had in my life! Josh still thinks it's funny. We settled on only one known vineyard that made our "Wine Bible" book. It's called "Hortons" they are a local wine. They use Norton Berry which originated in this area. I know next year not to go the Dulles Expo. I think we were spoiled from our tastings in Germany.
Almost two years ago Gary, Brig, Josh, and myself went to a Wine Tech. We did a tasting right at the end of the season. German wines is my favorite! We took a drive along the Rhine River and just got lucky. Josh drove but the rest of us had a great time. Thanks DD for getting us home safe. I should have taken a picture at the expo to show the the difference!

Almost two years ago Gary, Brig, Josh, and myself went to a Wine Tech. We did a tasting right at the end of the season. German wines is my favorite! We took a drive along the Rhine River and just got lucky. Josh drove but the rest of us had a great time. Thanks DD for getting us home safe. I should have taken a picture at the expo to show the the difference!
On Friday we had date night. We went to PF Chang's-Chinese Restaurant! It's made the list to NUMBER 1. We both loved what we ordered. I was so glad we had to hike back to the car! I needed a walk after eating everything on my plate. I loved the restaurant and the staff was really good. We just simply had a good time.
The rest of the weekend we spent running errands. We went to the grocery store and went for a couple long walks with Ju-Ju. It's a little sad because summers coming to the end. We will have a crazy fall. Visitors, traveling, and races! More to come...
The rest of the weekend we spent running errands. We went to the grocery store and went for a couple long walks with Ju-Ju. It's a little sad because summers coming to the end. We will have a crazy fall. Visitors, traveling, and races! More to come...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I wanted to share some pictures from "Granger Weekend" Remember we are at the cottage and that's the place where anything goes. Starting from the top: A picture of my three brothers and my dad. Second Picture is the new Granger Boys!
Cayden, Ethan, and Zane. Third picture is trouble! Gracey, Drew, and Catey. We all had a lot of fun. Come Sunday it was hard to go home. Gary was inventing "Tiffany's Toxic Tini's" Yummy! I would share the recipe but it's a Granger secret! Otherwise there just so toxic that he can't remember how to make them! They tasted like watermelon and went down like kool-aid.
The kids spent most of the time in the lake or by the fire. I saw some awesome jumps off the dock and some great swimmers. I thought it was a little chilly to swim but on Sunday I went out with Gary. He's been cleaning the lake out front of the cabin hopefully the wind will be kind and not push a lot of weeds in front of us again.
Todd and Gregg caught some nice fish. We didn't have a fish fry but I have a feeling they will soon. Gregg took Ethan and Zane fishing and Todd went out with Gracey and Drew. I didn't hear any crazy fish stories. But I did hear Brig needs to buy better bait!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Traveling makes life interesting but when you just sit at the airport it makes you crazy! I made it to WI but it was brief. I'm so glad I've surrounded myself when great people who understand that I can't always make or get time.
I was really sad Josh couldn't come and so was everyone else. It would have been nice to be with someone especially when I had so many delays and cancellations. When I was stuck in Cincinnati and had to spend the night in Kentucky, I kept thinking I've seen this in a movie before! I think there needs to be a law about staying in Kentucky-Those people are crazy!
I didn't get to catch the biggest fish. It was so windy! But I did get to snuggle up with all the kids. Hang out with all my brothers and eat snacks all day and that was what the trip is all about!
WI cheese brings WI farts. Right Granger Gang!
Josh will have more test later this week. Lots of test, not many answers. I thought it was a good idea to share and give updates, I was wrong. I'm amazed at how people react, how they care how they found out or who told who...Drama!!! I try to stay out of it.
This blog is for josh and I to share our lives. We know we can't be apart of everything and every function that our friends and family are at and do. I made several attempts in the past trying to write notes, emails, or call people certain days and it's not how life works. Everyone is busy with work, family...I was upset because usually I would write and no one would write us back! It was a pity party at our house! I always felt like I was missing out or that people forgot about us. But everyone goes there own direction in life and it's what you make of it. Josh gave me a heart to heart and I decided on this blog.
We will always be the new couple at work or in town as long as Josh has this job. And I knew that from the beginning-I didn't know that when you are the one with all the changes you are also the one that has to make a point to keep in touch even with immediate family which I still think is crazy. Now I'm getting wiser. Using the blog gives an update on us and if you are really interested you will comment, email, or even call. It was working wonders!
Now there's drama and the blog isn't that fun today. I had to make time to write about all this. This one probably wont get comments, emails or calls. But hopefully it will make some people realize that Josh and I haven't always had the walk in the park. We are busy and this is our attempt! Like everything else it takes two! Loads of people have email, phones, or pens and paper. If you care that much that we can't always tell you in person-News Flash! All the items listed above works both ways!
I'm going to continue writing my weekly notes. I'm excited Josh is keeping up with his races. I'm hoping no news is good news on all his test. I'm happy we both have good relationships with our brothers. I'm sad I didn't get to WI on schedule. And I'm pissed about the drama!
I was really sad Josh couldn't come and so was everyone else. It would have been nice to be with someone especially when I had so many delays and cancellations. When I was stuck in Cincinnati and had to spend the night in Kentucky, I kept thinking I've seen this in a movie before! I think there needs to be a law about staying in Kentucky-Those people are crazy!
I didn't get to catch the biggest fish. It was so windy! But I did get to snuggle up with all the kids. Hang out with all my brothers and eat snacks all day and that was what the trip is all about!
WI cheese brings WI farts. Right Granger Gang!
Josh will have more test later this week. Lots of test, not many answers. I thought it was a good idea to share and give updates, I was wrong. I'm amazed at how people react, how they care how they found out or who told who...Drama!!! I try to stay out of it.
This blog is for josh and I to share our lives. We know we can't be apart of everything and every function that our friends and family are at and do. I made several attempts in the past trying to write notes, emails, or call people certain days and it's not how life works. Everyone is busy with work, family...I was upset because usually I would write and no one would write us back! It was a pity party at our house! I always felt like I was missing out or that people forgot about us. But everyone goes there own direction in life and it's what you make of it. Josh gave me a heart to heart and I decided on this blog.
We will always be the new couple at work or in town as long as Josh has this job. And I knew that from the beginning-I didn't know that when you are the one with all the changes you are also the one that has to make a point to keep in touch even with immediate family which I still think is crazy. Now I'm getting wiser. Using the blog gives an update on us and if you are really interested you will comment, email, or even call. It was working wonders!
Now there's drama and the blog isn't that fun today. I had to make time to write about all this. This one probably wont get comments, emails or calls. But hopefully it will make some people realize that Josh and I haven't always had the walk in the park. We are busy and this is our attempt! Like everything else it takes two! Loads of people have email, phones, or pens and paper. If you care that much that we can't always tell you in person-News Flash! All the items listed above works both ways!
I'm going to continue writing my weekly notes. I'm excited Josh is keeping up with his races. I'm hoping no news is good news on all his test. I'm happy we both have good relationships with our brothers. I'm sad I didn't get to WI on schedule. And I'm pissed about the drama!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Count Down
Today Josh and I want to wish Todd E. a HaPPy BirTHdaY!!! Hope you have a good one.
This weekend I'm going to the cottage. It should be loads of fun. I've been told the the temperature really dropped the past few nights and bring long sleeves. I haven't packed yet but I will put a bag together tonight or tomorrow. Lana plans on making Kabobs, Yummy. And Brig is going to make Sunday breakfast. I'm way excited to see how tall all the kids got this year.
Last year we spent a few nights at the cottage and it was so peaceful. I plan on catching a big fish this summer again! Watch out Fishes!!!
Josh has a TDY coming up. He's going to spend a little time in the sun. I hope he brings a good book. I think next time I should go with. (Hint Hint)
Just wanted to send out a Birthday Wish today-Happy Birthday Todd!
This weekend I'm going to the cottage. It should be loads of fun. I've been told the the temperature really dropped the past few nights and bring long sleeves. I haven't packed yet but I will put a bag together tonight or tomorrow. Lana plans on making Kabobs, Yummy. And Brig is going to make Sunday breakfast. I'm way excited to see how tall all the kids got this year.
Last year we spent a few nights at the cottage and it was so peaceful. I plan on catching a big fish this summer again! Watch out Fishes!!!
Josh has a TDY coming up. He's going to spend a little time in the sun. I hope he brings a good book. I think next time I should go with. (Hint Hint)
Just wanted to send out a Birthday Wish today-Happy Birthday Todd!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
No More Marine Biologist
Here's the scoop. Last week Josh had a TIA/Transient Stroke. Meaning he had a mini stroke. He spent several hours having loads of test done. MRI, MRA, EKG of his heart, EKG of his brain, and lots of blood work. I had to leave the hospital at 10:00pm but I knew he was in good hands. The staff at George Washington Hospital in DC were very helpful. Josh didn't get any sleep at the hospital. They kept running test thru the night and wanted to make sure he didn't have a full stroke. The following day is when they decide it was a TIA. They were concerned because of his age and he is extremely healthy. He was told he was "Healthy as a Horse" and that he was able to go home we just need to do a follow up. They had a list of reasons why he may have had a stroke Vitamin deficient, Blood Clot, Family History, Hole in his heart...and that's why he need to do a follow up appointment.
This week his first appointment was to make sure he didn't have enzymes in his blood that would make clots. He had to give 28 vitals of blood-Which is alot! First they handed him a soda because he needed fast sugars. Afterward they walked him down to Dun kin Doughnut where he got two doughnuts, juice, coffee, and a smoothie! When he called me he was on a sugar rush!
Friday I needed to go with him because he was told he would be unable to drive after his test. We got up super early to drive out to Walter Reed Hospital. Again he was so lucky his nurse was called Bunnie and explained step by step what she was going to do. She knew that Josh had never had this procedure done and took very good care of him and explained what was going to happen. A TEE is where you swallow a camera.
After he was prepped Bunnie came and let me step in and watch the procedure. Josh was extremely uncomfortable since he had a large tube going down his throat. They gave him some meds to relax and he couldn't be put under because he needed to respond to the doctors during the procedure. They were looking to see how his heart pumps the blood, if there were any clots, plaque...
Bunnie was told by the doctors to add air and saline to his IV. They did this a couple times. Josh was laying on his side and they asked him to bare down and Bunnie would push on his belly. That's when the two doctors found what they were looking for. They took several pictures and got the views they needed. It turns out that Josh has a hole in his heart!
After the procedure they explained that several people have this. When you are a fetus there is a hole in your heart a few days after birth it closes. Over 25% of the population has it happen where the hole doesn't close. The cardio doctors will share the disk with the Neurologist and we will know more next week what they will want to do if anything. Several people go on with life with a hole. Since Josh had a stroke they may want to consider closing the hole. When a clot goes thru the hole in the heart the clot goes from that chamber directly to his brain. Reason why Josh had numbness and a hard time speaking the week before. If Josh were 80 yrs old they would close it but because he is so young they aren't sure they want to place a foreign object in his heart. If they decide to close the hole they will insert a Mushroom or and Umbrella to close the hole. It will take a bit for him to recover. The doctors don't want him to change his life style-Meaning running. Not a single doctor has told him not to run and he is very happy about that.
We are a Little scared but happy to hear that this isn't uncommon.
When we asked what he could or couldn't do the doctors said he could continue his regular routine but No Deep Sea Diving! That's when Josh said "Great there goes my dream of being a Marine Biologist!" Too Funny.
He spent the rest of the afternoon having a large Milk Shake and sucking on hard candy because his throat was bruised and extremely sore. By dinner time since he had to fast for a day he wanted a steak! So we had dinner and watched the Olympics.
Saturday we went on the trail and Josh put on a few miles running and I roller bladed. We had a promotion party to go to. Scritch and his wife built a bar in the basement. It turned out really nice! On the way home we went to the "Diary Godmother" a lady from WI serves custard! Yummy-
Not sure what the plans are for today! Have a good week.
This week his first appointment was to make sure he didn't have enzymes in his blood that would make clots. He had to give 28 vitals of blood-Which is alot! First they handed him a soda because he needed fast sugars. Afterward they walked him down to Dun kin Doughnut where he got two doughnuts, juice, coffee, and a smoothie! When he called me he was on a sugar rush!
Friday I needed to go with him because he was told he would be unable to drive after his test. We got up super early to drive out to Walter Reed Hospital. Again he was so lucky his nurse was called Bunnie and explained step by step what she was going to do. She knew that Josh had never had this procedure done and took very good care of him and explained what was going to happen. A TEE is where you swallow a camera.
After he was prepped Bunnie came and let me step in and watch the procedure. Josh was extremely uncomfortable since he had a large tube going down his throat. They gave him some meds to relax and he couldn't be put under because he needed to respond to the doctors during the procedure. They were looking to see how his heart pumps the blood, if there were any clots, plaque...
Bunnie was told by the doctors to add air and saline to his IV. They did this a couple times. Josh was laying on his side and they asked him to bare down and Bunnie would push on his belly. That's when the two doctors found what they were looking for. They took several pictures and got the views they needed. It turns out that Josh has a hole in his heart!
After the procedure they explained that several people have this. When you are a fetus there is a hole in your heart a few days after birth it closes. Over 25% of the population has it happen where the hole doesn't close. The cardio doctors will share the disk with the Neurologist and we will know more next week what they will want to do if anything. Several people go on with life with a hole. Since Josh had a stroke they may want to consider closing the hole. When a clot goes thru the hole in the heart the clot goes from that chamber directly to his brain. Reason why Josh had numbness and a hard time speaking the week before. If Josh were 80 yrs old they would close it but because he is so young they aren't sure they want to place a foreign object in his heart. If they decide to close the hole they will insert a Mushroom or and Umbrella to close the hole. It will take a bit for him to recover. The doctors don't want him to change his life style-Meaning running. Not a single doctor has told him not to run and he is very happy about that.
We are a Little scared but happy to hear that this isn't uncommon.
When we asked what he could or couldn't do the doctors said he could continue his regular routine but No Deep Sea Diving! That's when Josh said "Great there goes my dream of being a Marine Biologist!" Too Funny.
He spent the rest of the afternoon having a large Milk Shake and sucking on hard candy because his throat was bruised and extremely sore. By dinner time since he had to fast for a day he wanted a steak! So we had dinner and watched the Olympics.
Saturday we went on the trail and Josh put on a few miles running and I roller bladed. We had a promotion party to go to. Scritch and his wife built a bar in the basement. It turned out really nice! On the way home we went to the "Diary Godmother" a lady from WI serves custard! Yummy-
Not sure what the plans are for today! Have a good week.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Quite Weekend
After a crazy week it's nice just to relax a bit! Thanks everyone for you thoughts, phone calls, and cards. I'm working extra hard to take care of us. Josh will continue training for Marathons-He was told he's "Healthy as a Horse" The menu at our house has changed but I was told last night I would be the best if I made triple chocolate brownies! How can you pass up being the best?
Josh and I went to the Home Expo and got a few ideas for our bathroom. We are going to remodel our full bath. It just needs to be updated. Josh reminds me this isn't going to be our house forever so I need to bring it down a notch. Which is fine because I would love to use the cash to go on vacation! I think we have the master plan all set we just need to meet with a contractor and get on the schedule.
Drew my nephew has his very own email account! He wrote me a great reply. He's playing Fantasy Football this year and got 1st pick! I think he's going to kick Gary's butt! Sorry Gar! Drew also played baseball this summer on two teams. He made us all very proud and brought home several trophies. I think he needs to get his picture taken with them, then I can post them so you can all see.
I made a trip out to the mall this weekend too. A little retail therapy goes a long way. I treated myself to a new running outfit. I now got a few miles under my belt but see no marathon in the future. But, I am going to run the 9-11 Arlington Memorial Race. It's a 5k around the Pentagon. Josh and I did it last year too!
Ju-Ju had an interesting Saturday. In the evening we got caught in the hail storm so we all raced back to the house. Ju-Ju is a chicken when it comes to thunder to add to the night we were walking him so he could do his "business" before he went to the groomers! After the storm he had to get his hair cut. Auntie Taloni said "He was a good boy and always is a good boy when he gets his hair cut. He listens so good!"
I cried at the pet store. They had cats and kittens inside. Either so sleepy or really playful. The sign read..."Last chance" Real tears! To the point I needed a hug. Josh said he's allergic and we couldn't have a cat then he reminded me they poop inside. I felt better when I saw a Cat Lady she said she already has 6 cats. I knew at that point some cats would go home with her!
Josh and I went to the Home Expo and got a few ideas for our bathroom. We are going to remodel our full bath. It just needs to be updated. Josh reminds me this isn't going to be our house forever so I need to bring it down a notch. Which is fine because I would love to use the cash to go on vacation! I think we have the master plan all set we just need to meet with a contractor and get on the schedule.
Drew my nephew has his very own email account! He wrote me a great reply. He's playing Fantasy Football this year and got 1st pick! I think he's going to kick Gary's butt! Sorry Gar! Drew also played baseball this summer on two teams. He made us all very proud and brought home several trophies. I think he needs to get his picture taken with them, then I can post them so you can all see.
I made a trip out to the mall this weekend too. A little retail therapy goes a long way. I treated myself to a new running outfit. I now got a few miles under my belt but see no marathon in the future. But, I am going to run the 9-11 Arlington Memorial Race. It's a 5k around the Pentagon. Josh and I did it last year too!
Ju-Ju had an interesting Saturday. In the evening we got caught in the hail storm so we all raced back to the house. Ju-Ju is a chicken when it comes to thunder to add to the night we were walking him so he could do his "business" before he went to the groomers! After the storm he had to get his hair cut. Auntie Taloni said "He was a good boy and always is a good boy when he gets his hair cut. He listens so good!"
I cried at the pet store. They had cats and kittens inside. Either so sleepy or really playful. The sign read..."Last chance" Real tears! To the point I needed a hug. Josh said he's allergic and we couldn't have a cat then he reminded me they poop inside. I felt better when I saw a Cat Lady she said she already has 6 cats. I knew at that point some cats would go home with her!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The things you say when you are on Morphine! My Boss just had back surgery, of course he was a blast trying to carry a conversation. Josh and I couldn't just let him rest we had to play with his mind for a few minutes first. The first thing he said was "Oh It's You-Your Special...ZZZZZzzzz" I've seen it on movies but never in real life that someone can talk and start snoring that fast-It was amazing. When the nurse came in and she asked for his name. He answers "Sexy Albert" I love-it! His name is Jeff Albert!
Jeff, gets to go home today. I think he has a rude awakening ahead of him. He hurts really bad and they took him off Morphine. The cocktail of choice is vicadin! I'm sure when I visit him again he will still be in loads of pain.
Josh is back into Marathon training again. So every weekend he takes a good four hours aside and runs for fun! I went 16 miles with him on my Rollerblades. I hit the ditch once and recovered well. I never hit the ground but I thought I was about to. I even had an audience that I always makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside! Or just 10shades of red.

When you are married to a runner this is some of the things you get to go thru. Watching people rub the skin off there nipples. Nobody wants to see bloody nipples-so my hubby wears band aides on his to protect them. Safety First!!!
This photo is over a year old but hasn't got the attention that it needs.
Josh has a couple local races first. The first full Marathon isn't until the second weekend in September. Then he's going to run so far so fast!!!
I'll try to post a few pictures from last year's marathons. He looks better every time with every race.
David my boss and Josh played a trick on me this week. David made me sit in his office and we had "a talk". I thought I was in trouble. It was like report card belly (Alana-you know what I'm talking about!) He then pushed an envelope across the table and in was an itinerary for a weekend to go home from Josh! So I get to see all the crazy Granger's in a few weeks. It should be alot of fun. It's been a year since I've been home. I'm sure all my nieces and nephews are getting really big. Rumor has it Drew is just about as tall as I am! Yikes!!!
Jeff, gets to go home today. I think he has a rude awakening ahead of him. He hurts really bad and they took him off Morphine. The cocktail of choice is vicadin! I'm sure when I visit him again he will still be in loads of pain.
Josh is back into Marathon training again. So every weekend he takes a good four hours aside and runs for fun! I went 16 miles with him on my Rollerblades. I hit the ditch once and recovered well. I never hit the ground but I thought I was about to. I even had an audience that I always makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside! Or just 10shades of red.
When you are married to a runner this is some of the things you get to go thru. Watching people rub the skin off there nipples. Nobody wants to see bloody nipples-so my hubby wears band aides on his to protect them. Safety First!!!
This photo is over a year old but hasn't got the attention that it needs.
Josh has a couple local races first. The first full Marathon isn't until the second weekend in September. Then he's going to run so far so fast!!!
I'll try to post a few pictures from last year's marathons. He looks better every time with every race.
David my boss and Josh played a trick on me this week. David made me sit in his office and we had "a talk". I thought I was in trouble. It was like report card belly (Alana-you know what I'm talking about!) He then pushed an envelope across the table and in was an itinerary for a weekend to go home from Josh! So I get to see all the crazy Granger's in a few weeks. It should be alot of fun. It's been a year since I've been home. I'm sure all my nieces and nephews are getting really big. Rumor has it Drew is just about as tall as I am! Yikes!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
You guessed it-It's so HOT here!!! Josh and I spent the last two days at the pool. With the heat index it's over 100 degrees. We still had a good weekend. Saturday morning we hit the Mount Vernon Trail. Josh ran and I roller bladed 13 miles. It was crazy hot we left the house before 7:30 am and it didn't really help. We spent the afternoon using my boss's pool. It's so peaceful. Josh read and I lounged around on a pool floaty. Ju-Ju came but he couldn't decide if he wanted to be inside or out. They have squirrels that he loves to chase but he would just get so hot and then would head inside. After 10 minutes of cooling off he would want to come back out. It was a game we played all day. Bella, Jeff and David's dog would pick up her little paws. Front, Back-Opposites because the concrete around the pool was too hot for her. It was so cute to watch. So needless to say the dogs spent most of the afternoon in the house looking out the window.
We started the morning early again with a walk/jog. It was already really hot. Today we shopped around at bathroom fixtures...We plan on making a few upgrades on our full bath. It desperately needs it! I had some good ideas and wanted to show Josh what I was talking about. He liked everything I showed him so the bathroom project is a Go! I had a contractor come and I should receive the bid/quoted in the mail this week. We then went to the pool on base. It felt so good to cool off. We had to pick up some groceries so it worked out to just be on base.
Drew is in tournaments for baseball. It sounds like they are doing really well.Keep up the good work Drew!
Gar and Brig are at the cabin and they sent me a picture on the phone of "their feet up by the fire"-They are so cruel!!! I'll get them back!
Tomorrow I have off of work-Which sounds great but really I'm getting shafted! I have to work next Sunday-Jeff (the owner of the store) is having back surgery so I agreed to help out at the store. I know-I'm a sucker! So in a nut shell-that was the weekend. We really aren't that exciting!
We started the morning early again with a walk/jog. It was already really hot. Today we shopped around at bathroom fixtures...We plan on making a few upgrades on our full bath. It desperately needs it! I had some good ideas and wanted to show Josh what I was talking about. He liked everything I showed him so the bathroom project is a Go! I had a contractor come and I should receive the bid/quoted in the mail this week. We then went to the pool on base. It felt so good to cool off. We had to pick up some groceries so it worked out to just be on base.
Drew is in tournaments for baseball. It sounds like they are doing really well.Keep up the good work Drew!
Gar and Brig are at the cabin and they sent me a picture on the phone of "their feet up by the fire"-They are so cruel!!! I'll get them back!
Tomorrow I have off of work-Which sounds great but really I'm getting shafted! I have to work next Sunday-Jeff (the owner of the store) is having back surgery so I agreed to help out at the store. I know-I'm a sucker! So in a nut shell-that was the weekend. We really aren't that exciting!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I realize I stink at blogging. I try to write something fun or witty because I tell Josh all the time that I'm funny! But usually it's me picking on him and I can't let everyone know how much I pick on him!
Well, we made it to another afternoon baseball game. I had my friend Jason from work come with us. We sat right next to the bullpen so it was pretty cool. We roasted ourselves and the Nats lost really bad. We had Beer, Nachos, and Hot dogs so really it was a good day. After the game we met up with Jason's wife. I told her to pick a place for dinner. Her only request was that we have fried food-THAT HELPS!
We had a pretty laid back weekend. This weekend we may hit up a water park-it's been in the 90's and will mostly likely be like that for the rest of the week.
Last week we house sat for my boss. We hung out in the burbs! Commuting wasn't too bad but everyone should pray for a DC driver! People are amazing. Horn's blasting, the finger, and cutting people off isn't how I normally start my morning. I can't be angry that early in the morning and a drive should be relaxing! Since everyone else was angry I drove with the windows down radio on and just took my time!
Out in the burbs! Ju-Ju was loving the fenced in yard. He spent most of his time looking for Squirrels and using the pool as a over sized water bowl. He also had issues with me being in the pool. He would "woof" and run from end to end until he lost footing and I had to rescue the puppy! So he ended up swimming in his over sized water dish!
Josh didn't get as much pool time. He spent long days in the office, then he had to commute. By the time he got to the house he was super hungry and the mosquito's loved him.
Grilling out seems to be our new thing. So I have to sign off and light the grill!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Somebody Special
Sunday, June 29, 2008
My New Best Friend
I don't know my friends name yet. I haven't thought of one yet! But he's Wonderful!!!
I've been thinking about buying a Dyson Vacuum for awhile now. I've talked myself out of it several times. First, I already have a vacuum cleaner. Our place is pretty small, I don't have that much carpet. It's fairly expensive...You get the idea.
My claim to fame when Josh leaves for a period of time is I buy something. I believe this trait is hereditary. My mom would always do this to my dad when I was young. My Dad would go on fishing trips to Canada. He should of known better and took her on vacation and this wouldn't happen to him every year. Here are a few examples she would do. I can't remember if she started out small and then went for the glory or if she was just given the gift right away. She bought appliances (like the refrigerator), bought carpet and had it installed, Custom Drapery, bedding, a new mattress and box spring, the list goes on. Truly if was awesome. Usually his fishing trips were only a week long. But voila! It happened every year.
On this purchase Alana didn't help. I asked her a bunch of questions about hers and we both went online and looked. She told me to vacuum my house with the old one and then get the new one! Her and Dan were leaving to play mini golf and she told me to call her back after I bought it. So I bought it! Well, I didn't buy it I walked around the store with it in my cart thinking should or shouldn't I do this. My phone rang and it was Josh calling from school. BUSTED!!! I gave him the "dirt" and told him how it was for asthma and allergies. But he agreed. So I bought it!
I started in our bedroom. The room I do push up and sit ups and lay on the floor with Ju-Ju. After I was done I could have thrown up! It was so gross I couldn't believe it. I took a picture. I'm not going to post it, that would be something gross my dad would do. But I have to show Josh!
It's Magic. I can't believe it. It makes me so happy. It will differently help my compulsive disorder! I can see the stripes/lines and nothing makes me more happy when I vacuum and I see those beautiful lines! I'm truly in love.
I've already called Alana, Josh, and my Dad. I feel that it's my responsibility to tell everyone how wonderful this vacuum is. It's so worth it-you'll love it! Just do it.
I've been thinking about buying a Dyson Vacuum for awhile now. I've talked myself out of it several times. First, I already have a vacuum cleaner. Our place is pretty small, I don't have that much carpet. It's fairly expensive...You get the idea.
My claim to fame when Josh leaves for a period of time is I buy something. I believe this trait is hereditary. My mom would always do this to my dad when I was young. My Dad would go on fishing trips to Canada. He should of known better and took her on vacation and this wouldn't happen to him every year. Here are a few examples she would do. I can't remember if she started out small and then went for the glory or if she was just given the gift right away. She bought appliances (like the refrigerator), bought carpet and had it installed, Custom Drapery, bedding, a new mattress and box spring, the list goes on. Truly if was awesome. Usually his fishing trips were only a week long. But voila! It happened every year.
On this purchase Alana didn't help. I asked her a bunch of questions about hers and we both went online and looked. She told me to vacuum my house with the old one and then get the new one! Her and Dan were leaving to play mini golf and she told me to call her back after I bought it. So I bought it! Well, I didn't buy it I walked around the store with it in my cart thinking should or shouldn't I do this. My phone rang and it was Josh calling from school. BUSTED!!! I gave him the "dirt" and told him how it was for asthma and allergies. But he agreed. So I bought it!
I started in our bedroom. The room I do push up and sit ups and lay on the floor with Ju-Ju. After I was done I could have thrown up! It was so gross I couldn't believe it. I took a picture. I'm not going to post it, that would be something gross my dad would do. But I have to show Josh!
It's Magic. I can't believe it. It makes me so happy. It will differently help my compulsive disorder! I can see the stripes/lines and nothing makes me more happy when I vacuum and I see those beautiful lines! I'm truly in love.
I've already called Alana, Josh, and my Dad. I feel that it's my responsibility to tell everyone how wonderful this vacuum is. It's so worth it-you'll love it! Just do it.
Ju-Ju's Obsession
I'm sure you are all thinking squirrels-but he's moved onto birds. The Birds are making him crazy. I'm sure it's because there are several little ones out. But they also hate Ju-Ju. The Birds are swooping and squawking after him like crazy. Today it's in the 90's and he gave up his swim to chase birds!!! He's nuts!
Josh took "The Big Test" on Friday. And he passed with flying colors. Good Job Josh! He said he was pretty sure he over studied. He spent hours staying up late and doing study groups. He still sounds super tired. I'm sure he will be happy to have a long weekend this weekend.
Josh took "The Big Test" on Friday. And he passed with flying colors. Good Job Josh! He said he was pretty sure he over studied. He spent hours staying up late and doing study groups. He still sounds super tired. I'm sure he will be happy to have a long weekend this weekend.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Summer Is Here!!!
On Friday when I got to work I had white roses on my desk. Jeff (my boss) gave them to me for the First Day of Summer! There gorgeous. David and I had to drive to no man's land for an install. When I got back to the store in the evening, I had half a dozen Red Roses from Josh!!! I felt like Miss America leaving work. So friday was a good day to be me.
Josh has been crazy busy. Studying, briefs, test...But he's finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel-By the 4th of July SOS will be complete.
Work/store has been pretty interesting. Jeff has been busy writing news letters, opening up online shopping, and following up on all the clients orders all before he has surgery. This is what the recent web page looks like:
This past spring Josh, Ju-Ju, and I dog sat for crazy little Bella! (Jeff and David's Dog) She's Sassy! I still take her a couple times a month so her and Ju-Ju can have a puppy play date or a "Hot Date" depending on who you ask.
Last I have to say Happy Birthday to Snoop! (Dan and Alana's dog) Snoop I hope you have a great puppy party!
Josh has been crazy busy. Studying, briefs, test...But he's finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel-By the 4th of July SOS will be complete.
Work/store has been pretty interesting. Jeff has been busy writing news letters, opening up online shopping, and following up on all the clients orders all before he has surgery. This is what the recent web page looks like:
This past spring Josh, Ju-Ju, and I dog sat for crazy little Bella! (Jeff and David's Dog) She's Sassy! I still take her a couple times a month so her and Ju-Ju can have a puppy play date or a "Hot Date" depending on who you ask.
Last I have to say Happy Birthday to Snoop! (Dan and Alana's dog) Snoop I hope you have a great puppy party!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Relay For Life
I want to share this. Look at what a great thing Jess is doing! She was so thoughtful to relay in memory of my Mom! I'm so happy to have a friend like her. Thanks Jess. It means alot~
Realy for Life:
Realy for Life:
Monday, June 16, 2008
June Visitors!
I just had guests! It's always fun to show new people the city-There's so many sights we just can't see everything. On Thursday we went to Mount Vernon. Everyone always seems to enjoy the ride out there on the George Washington Parkway. The trees are huge and you wiggle your way there following the Potomac River.
Friday was another hot day. It actually cooled off from the week prior but for my WI friends they were ready to melt! We drove to the Air Force Memorial. It's not too far from Josh's work (so I had to point out his building). It was a hazy day because of the humidity but we still had some great views. After the AF Memorial we went to Arlington National Cemetery. Even in the hot sun and humidity the men were watching the tomb of the unknown soliders. Everytime I walk thru Arlington I see and notice something new. It gives me goose bumps, everytime.
Next stop was the Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Wall, and the White House. It was a long day out in the sun we all drank loads of water. Here is a picture of me and my June Visitors- Carmen, Mary, and Joan!
Saturday we walked around Alexandria. We went to the morning farmer's market and I gave them a tour of my office and the store where I work. Near by is the Torpedo Factory we made a quick stop in there too. I had to show them Gravely Point, where several planes seem to be coming straight at you! Me favorite quote that Carmen caught on video was Mary saying "come to Ma'ma!" I laughed so hard I had tears. In the afternoon I gave them a better view of the Pentagon where it was hit on 9/11. The building has been repaired but the new bricks are a reminder. The dark clouds came in and we made a quick stop at Iwo Jima. The weatherman called for rain on saturday most of the week keeping alot of people in. We parked in the city and took a few pictures of the US Capital and spent about 15 mins in the Botanic Garden. The rain came and went but we made it just in time.
Sunday was a slower day. We took a boat ride from Alexandria to George Town. We filled our belly's at lunch time and strolled the streets until we were ready to take our relaxing boat ride back to to pier in Alexandria. We tried to take a peek at everything but there is so much to see here! I want to Thank them for coming. They are great friends and will forever be in my heart! They spoiled me rotten-and didn't have to do that. But I appreciate all the snacks and of course the ice cream Carmen had to buy me because she lost the bet on Robert E Lee's home.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Random Things You Do
I made it a week! I find myself doing really random things...Josh is pretty sure I have some kind of complusive disorder-Which I have to agree at times. So with that being said. I've put a fresh coat of primer in the utility closet, I've freshend up all the linens for my house guest this week, I've organized the refrigerator to my likings. The list goes on. But I feel like I would be boring you.
Josh on the other had has some pretty long days. He loves his group/flight. (I'm not sure what they call it there.) I think he is missing his long runs. This year he is signed up for two full Marathons. It would of been three but the Fox Cities is the same weekend of the Air Force Marathon in Dayton Ohio. The other is in San Antonio Texas where we kill two birds with one stone because we get to see the Kice family!
April, Richard, and Ethan Came out her last summer for the Army Ten Miler-Another Race! We always have loads of fun with them. Josh became Ethans best buddy-I'm just chopped liver! But it was great having them out here.
Josh on the other had has some pretty long days. He loves his group/flight. (I'm not sure what they call it there.) I think he is missing his long runs. This year he is signed up for two full Marathons. It would of been three but the Fox Cities is the same weekend of the Air Force Marathon in Dayton Ohio. The other is in San Antonio Texas where we kill two birds with one stone because we get to see the Kice family!
April, Richard, and Ethan Came out her last summer for the Army Ten Miler-Another Race! We always have loads of fun with them. Josh became Ethans best buddy-I'm just chopped liver! But it was great having them out here.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Turn It Up
Friday Josh and I had a double date with Jeff and David. We went to dinner and a movie. We went to see "Sex in the City" it was really cute. I always liked the show. It was definitely a girls night out. I laughed to myself because so my girls were dressed in theme. Dresses, necklaces, purses-seriously your at a movie eating like a pig sitting in the dark why would you wear all that to the movies?
So Saturday we ran some errands. Lowes, had lunch. Went to the mall just to get out of the storm and it was suppose to hail so we parked our car in the parking garage! Josh got some new Oakley's (Sunglasses) I found a pair too, but I am not worthy of buying expensive sunglasses for myself. I have them in the bottom of my purse with my keys! I toss them in tha car and step on them. I leave them at the cottage! So Josh was the only one that bought a pair. He ended up getting a pair he could wear with his uniform. (Remember this part for later) We went to "Top Golf" with Jaymee and Rob and I can't go home without running into Kohls. So all in all it was a pretty good Saturday.
Sunday is the big day! "Sweet Home Alabama" I brought Josh to the airport. The new rule is in effect and your bags can only way so much. Josh was over I laughed because that's my claim to fame! He had Military orders so they let him thru without paying the $80 fee. We had a snack togather and I watched him go thru customs. I saw him with a panicked face-I wasn't sure what was up with him. He had a garmet bag/carry on that had to weigh nearly 50lbs it has all of his uniforms. And he also had to bring the laptop. He looked miserable. When I get to the car I called him on his cell. He was upset. When he was in line for customs. He had to do the drill, shoes off, watch and rings off, wallet out, laptop out of the bag, Sunglasses out so they don't get smooched. If you fly much you know what I'm talking about. After the metal detector he was getting his stuff and he realized his sunglasses were gone. That fast never been woren and they are gone!!! Stolen at the airport it customs! He told the guy and nothing happend. So Josh is gone to Alabama with no sunglasses. Poor Guy. He said there was three guys on the plane with his sunglasses on. It made him CRAZY.
It gets worse he's headed for Atlanta. He gets there, runs from one concorse to the other, and the door is shut they are no longer loading the plane and he misses his flight. So today it's feel bad for Josh day. I'm not sure if he made it yet I still haven't heard form him!
Hope everyone is having a better day then Josh!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Weekend
We ended up having a fun filled weekend. After our trip to Annapolis we put our game faces on and came up with some better ideas. We took Big Bob to his first baseball game. And guess who was in town...The Brewers! The Nats won 7-6. (On Monday I'm happy to say the Brewers won 4-3) Bob said he wasn't going to watch them lose again so we didn't go!
Oh! If you can't tell what Bob is doing He's Flexing! I love that picture!
Oh! If you can't tell what Bob is doing He's Flexing! I love that picture!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Yesterday we decided to drive up to Annapolis! Once we decided where we wanted to go it ended up being a nice day. There was lots of tourist and family in. The cadets just had there graduation the day before-so the city was full. We went in and out of shops. Big Bob found me a cute hat and of course a hat for himself. We missed a boat ride by minutes but I'm sure we'll go back for a visit. It isn't that far from here. The trip would have been loads better if Josh wasn't throwing a fit-he says it's his allergy medicine! And to top the day off I didn't bring my Camera!
On the way back we stopped at the "Bass Pro Shop." They have way too much there.
On the way back we stopped at the "Bass Pro Shop." They have way too much there.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Just wanted to catch everyone up on the month of May. The first part of May our nephew had a birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISAAC!!! Josh and I also need to send a birthday wish out to Josh's little brother. He's 27!

Since then Alana & Dan had their second anniversary. I took this picture when we went to the Sears Tower earlier this year! I'm just getting Dan back-the photo that Sears took for us, everyone looked like crap except for Dan and his supermodel ways! (of coarse he wanted to buy it) This picture is for you Dan!
Joan and Willy had their Anniversary the following day. I'm not even sure how many years they have under their belt. But aren't they Cute! Joan and Willy are my neighbors from WI-I'll see Joan in a few weeks! The other big day here at our house was Ju-Ju, we celebrated his sixth birthday. He spent the day fatting up with his favorite treats. I better not forget Mother's Day! Hope all you Mom's had a great day!!! There is the recap of the first part of May.

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Josh and I are going to try to keep a blog. Wish us Luck! We thought it would be fun and helpful for our friends and family that we don't get to see all the time and help us keep in touch. I can't spell-so bare with me!
Today we rode our bikes into Georgetown. It was beautiful out today. We didn't spend alot of time in the city because it was crowded and I'm dog sitting so I had to get back and let Ju-Ju and his hot date outside!
For the next few weeks I'll try to catch up everyone on what we've been doing and some of the things we've done.
This year is really flying by. Currently we are Alexandria, VA. This year we've been married for four years. The first few years we lived in Germany and tried to travel as much as we could. In November it'll be two years that we lived here. We spend alot of time on the Mount Veron Trail. I get up every morning and walk JuJu before I get ready for work. Rain or shine we are out there! Today, Josh and I rode our bikes up the trail alot farther what JuJu and I can handle when we are walking. This past week the D.C. Area received alot of rain. The Potomoc was rising and down by my work they have a trailer full of sandbags just ready and waiting. The morning commute was a nightmare because alot of the secondary roads were flooding.
Well, I hope Josh and I can keep this up! Have a great weekend!
Today we rode our bikes into Georgetown. It was beautiful out today. We didn't spend alot of time in the city because it was crowded and I'm dog sitting so I had to get back and let Ju-Ju and his hot date outside!
For the next few weeks I'll try to catch up everyone on what we've been doing and some of the things we've done.
This year is really flying by. Currently we are Alexandria, VA. This year we've been married for four years. The first few years we lived in Germany and tried to travel as much as we could. In November it'll be two years that we lived here. We spend alot of time on the Mount Veron Trail. I get up every morning and walk JuJu before I get ready for work. Rain or shine we are out there! Today, Josh and I rode our bikes up the trail alot farther what JuJu and I can handle when we are walking. This past week the D.C. Area received alot of rain. The Potomoc was rising and down by my work they have a trailer full of sandbags just ready and waiting. The morning commute was a nightmare because alot of the secondary roads were flooding.
Well, I hope Josh and I can keep this up! Have a great weekend!
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