I'm Behind on blogging. Cole and I are playing the role of general contractor. In the next week or so GB's house is going to be getting a face lift. Hopefully things will fall into place soon. I'm super excited! I will post before and after pictures so you can all see it.
We try to get outside as much as we can. These photos are over a week old. We've accumulated more snow and the temp has dropped. Right now it's only 12degrees out. Looks like we wont be doing much outside today.
Cole is doing well in his gym class. He still likes to wonder off during warm ups. But the equipment is just so tempting. I can't really blame him. I too rather spend some time on the beam, bars, or some of the mats they set for an obstacle coarse!!! One thing he learned is to say "OH GEEZ" the entrance to the parking lot has loads of pot holes as soon as I turn in he says "oh geez" before I even hit them! Nothing like a having a back seat driver with ya.