Now that I had a little time to sit back and think about what all happened this summer I forgot a few things. First off Josh's welcome back party. My family, several neighbors and my Best Friends and her ever so handsome hubby made it to the airport. It was so cool to have all there love and support! We took the party back to my dad's house and enjoyed a few beverages and several brought treats to pass so we snacked the day away!!! It was a good feeling. After several months of counting it down the day was finally here. Josh was back "Home." My neighbors gave us a gift certificate and a party favor! It may be too much information so I'll leave it at that.
We gathered some things and headed to the cottage. Josh, My Dad, and Gregg fished and fished and fished! Apparently there is no fish in my Dad's lake. So don't bother packing the boat up and heading to the cottage. I put in a few hours too! Just like old times. My dad and I headed across the lake and I soaked up some sun. After being out there awhile I had to use the restroom. For those who know the lake there is no spot to pull up on shore! My Dad asked me if I was afraid to go in the boat! (As a kid-you either went in the boat or over the edge and I don't have the right equipment for that) So my Dad hands me the electric battery cover my new porta potty! And he turns around. I have to go so bad at this point it was my only options. I begin to laugh and my dad thinks "wow she really did have to go" because you can hear it running over the edge. But that's where I have to correct him. There were slates in the cover and it was running down the slates and I wissing on my foot. Not a very proud moment but a funny one!
After our trip up north we had several cook outs with my family. One of the several things I miss about being in Wisconsin. Cook outs, Friday Night Fish Fry, and Camp Fires!
We had several things to take care of. Josh needed to be back in DC like I mentioned before and we had two vehicles to sell. Our Audi was on Craigslist in DC and Nova area and sold in a flash. We had so many contact us it was amazing. The first person interested went through and purchased the car. We also attempted putting my LandRover LR3 on Craigslist in Appleton. Not as many people were interested and it ended up Berstrom's purchased my truck. It was hard to let it go. Both vehicles were super good to us. I loved my truck because it was such a comfy ride and had the storage for my pup and stroller and I could still have other people in the car. And when I would drive out and people would pull out in front of me I was never scared! I usually said "Really? I'm surrounded by 5,000lbs of steel you are really going to pull out in front of me" the joys of driving a huge ass vehicle I always felt safe!
I can look back and say things really went smooth. We had friends in DC that let us stay with them. We got see JD our friend that was back in the states for R&R for two weeks and we got to say goodbye to Jeff and David my family and Boss!
At that moment I thought things were crashing around us. A plan never went as planned but we always could see the light at the end of the tunnel! I'm lucky that my dad has his frig stocked with beer and wine and freezer that had yummy margaritas! That helped at times too!!!
We ran around like crazy. Buying last minute things, getting paper work situated, and boxes and bags packed and ready to go!