Monday, June 29, 2009

Who's Next?

How do babies always find the TAG?

Josh is taking on a new job! He currently moved into a new building and was finally placed. Cole and I are a little sad because he will travel a lot; weeks and maybe months at a time. He left already this week and is due back the 2nd week in July. Cole, Ju-Ju, and I may take a road trip to see him and some friends of ours that moved to Hershey Pennsylvania. If your gonna pack your bags you might as well go all out!

Hershey will be a win win for me! I will get to see my friends that I miss so much and I get to unload my maternity clothes to Farrah! Farrah and Jason are expecting!

Josh and I decided Cole is "contagious" Jess and John were here only a few days after Cole was born. Jess asked to hold him knowing I was worried about his little immune system! Josh asked her to wash her hands and warned her he is contagious! Josh then told a story-a true I asked to hold a baby at a promotion party and wham we ended up pregnant and had Cole! Ta-da it's true! Jess and John will be expecting in February! We all know it comes in threes-Who's Next???
We still are pretty busy at this house. Josh continues to take online courses to finish his Masters. Hopefully he can pick up an extra class. If not he still has a goal he wants to be done by.
Ju-Ju and I are getting back into shape! We have been out on the trail-There's a small window durning the day Cole is just too little to be out with that sort of humidity and the pup isn't a fan either!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 1st Father's Day Josh!!!

Happy Father's Day Monte and Bob
Hope you enjoyed your special day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Picture Frame!

So neither Josh or I are the best at taking pictures! We have a fairly new camera that has so many settings. We both need to sit around and just play around with the camera and read up on it. Cole either goes cross eyed or closes his eyes because of the crazy flash!!!
This week Cole had his 2 week check up. Apparently we need to "Yanky the Baby's Wanky"
Between Ju-Ju and having Cole there seems to be no boundaries-I've crossed every line!
We need to get a Birthday wish out to our nephew Seth! His mom wrote us and he's growing like crazy he's already 5'4" which we all know I only dream being that tall! Happy Birthday Seth
Tomorrow I will be flying solo with the grr pup and baby! Josh will be going back to work. He has been so helpful I'm sure tomorrow will be an adventure. Don't get me wrong Ju-Ju is extremely helpful but the extra pair of hands is a bit nicer then a wet puppy kiss!

Birthday Boy!

Happy 70th Birthday
Grandpa Bob!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Cole and Josh

Poor Cole!
We made it through our 1st week. Josh has been able to stay home and help Cole and I get on a schedule. I have no idea where the time goes. Both Josh and I can hold Cole forever and just look at him-He's so cute!!!
We already had visitors. Jess and John happen to be in DC for a work conference. They came over just to take some pics and check out he new guy. We weren't able to show them around the city but both Josh and I gave them suggestions what to see and what not to see.
Alana came for the weekend. The extra pair of hands was extremely helpful. We spent the day playing with Cole, feeding him, and holding him like crazy. Cole is extremely spoiled! The weather wasn't too nice out-we had a movie marathon and lounged around and our pj's most of the weekend! Ju-Ju got the best rub down and will miss Alana a lot.
We made two trips to peds. It seems Cole was in sleepy mode and needed to eat more. After our second visit we were given the thumbs up-he's stacking the ounces back on! Woo-hoo Cole!!!