Last week while I'd eat lunch at the park; I watched all the action happening on a ship that you don't see too often in Alexandria/Potomac!
Days later Josh sends me a quick note inviting the public to tour the ship. I ended up talking to Josh and telling him right where it is. I then add how I've seen it the past few days...And he adds "And you didn't tell me!" OPPS~
After a late afternoon doctors appointment we decided to take the tour. I have several fun facts on the ship too...
2 Rolls-Royce gas turbine engines produce 96,000 horsepower. A direct derivation of the Trent 800 engines that power a Boeing 777-
4waterjets, each with 5ft diameter that together pump over 12,000,000 gallons of water per minute (equivalent of draining an Olympic size swimming pool in 3 seconds) at full power, producing a 25 foot "rooster tail" rising above the flight deck
accelerates from 0 to 40+ knots under 2 minutes
decelerates from 40+ to 0 knots in approximately 3 ship lengths
move directly sideways at 1 knot
rotate 360 degrees while standing still in 3 minutes
Thank goodness I grab the brochure! It was pretty cool to see. I noticed that it's left the dock and must be on it's way to someplace cool!
I would show more pics but I had a stain on my shirt from lunch!LOL
That's why Josh picked me!!!