Sunday, July 27, 2008


The things you say when you are on Morphine! My Boss just had back surgery, of course he was a blast trying to carry a conversation. Josh and I couldn't just let him rest we had to play with his mind for a few minutes first. The first thing he said was "Oh It's You-Your Special...ZZZZZzzzz" I've seen it on movies but never in real life that someone can talk and start snoring that fast-It was amazing. When the nurse came in and she asked for his name. He answers "Sexy Albert" I love-it! His name is Jeff Albert!

Jeff, gets to go home today. I think he has a rude awakening ahead of him. He hurts really bad and they took him off Morphine. The cocktail of choice is vicadin! I'm sure when I visit him again he will still be in loads of pain.

Josh is back into Marathon training again. So every weekend he takes a good four hours aside and runs for fun! I went 16 miles with him on my Rollerblades. I hit the ditch once and recovered well. I never hit the ground but I thought I was about to. I even had an audience that I always makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside! Or just 10shades of red.

When you are married to a runner this is some of the things you get to go thru. Watching people rub the skin off there nipples. Nobody wants to see bloody nipples-so my hubby wears band aides on his to protect them. Safety First!!!
This photo is over a year old but hasn't got the attention that it needs.

Josh has a couple local races first. The first full Marathon isn't until the second weekend in September. Then he's going to run so far so fast!!!
I'll try to post a few pictures from last year's marathons. He looks better every time with every race.

David my boss and Josh played a trick on me this week. David made me sit in his office and we had "a talk". I thought I was in trouble. It was like report card belly (Alana-you know what I'm talking about!) He then pushed an envelope across the table and in was an itinerary for a weekend to go home from Josh! So I get to see all the crazy Granger's in a few weeks. It should be alot of fun. It's been a year since I've been home. I'm sure all my nieces and nephews are getting really big. Rumor has it Drew is just about as tall as I am! Yikes!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


You guessed it-It's so HOT here!!! Josh and I spent the last two days at the pool. With the heat index it's over 100 degrees. We still had a good weekend. Saturday morning we hit the Mount Vernon Trail. Josh ran and I roller bladed 13 miles. It was crazy hot we left the house before 7:30 am and it didn't really help. We spent the afternoon using my boss's pool. It's so peaceful. Josh read and I lounged around on a pool floaty. Ju-Ju came but he couldn't decide if he wanted to be inside or out. They have squirrels that he loves to chase but he would just get so hot and then would head inside. After 10 minutes of cooling off he would want to come back out. It was a game we played all day. Bella, Jeff and David's dog would pick up her little paws. Front, Back-Opposites because the concrete around the pool was too hot for her. It was so cute to watch. So needless to say the dogs spent most of the afternoon in the house looking out the window.

We started the morning early again with a walk/jog. It was already really hot. Today we shopped around at bathroom fixtures...We plan on making a few upgrades on our full bath. It desperately needs it! I had some good ideas and wanted to show Josh what I was talking about. He liked everything I showed him so the bathroom project is a Go! I had a contractor come and I should receive the bid/quoted in the mail this week. We then went to the pool on base. It felt so good to cool off. We had to pick up some groceries so it worked out to just be on base.

Drew is in tournaments for baseball. It sounds like they are doing really well.Keep up the good work Drew!

Gar and Brig are at the cabin and they sent me a picture on the phone of "their feet up by the fire"-They are so cruel!!! I'll get them back!

Tomorrow I have off of work-Which sounds great but really I'm getting shafted! I have to work next Sunday-Jeff (the owner of the store) is having back surgery so I agreed to help out at the store. I know-I'm a sucker! So in a nut shell-that was the weekend. We really aren't that exciting!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I realize I stink at blogging. I try to write something fun or witty because I tell Josh all the time that I'm funny! But usually it's me picking on him and I can't let everyone know how much I pick on him!

Well, we made it to another afternoon baseball game. I had my friend Jason from work come with us. We sat right next to the bullpen so it was pretty cool. We roasted ourselves and the Nats lost really bad. We had Beer, Nachos, and Hot dogs so really it was a good day. After the game we met up with Jason's wife. I told her to pick a place for dinner. Her only request was that we have fried food-THAT HELPS!

We had a pretty laid back weekend. This weekend we may hit up a water park-it's been in the 90's and will mostly likely be like that for the rest of the week.

Last week we house sat for my boss. We hung out in the burbs! Commuting wasn't too bad but everyone should pray for a DC driver! People are amazing. Horn's blasting, the finger, and cutting people off isn't how I normally start my morning. I can't be angry that early in the morning and a drive should be relaxing! Since everyone else was angry I drove with the windows down radio on and just took my time!

Out in the burbs! Ju-Ju was loving the fenced in yard. He spent most of his time looking for Squirrels and using the pool as a over sized water bowl. He also had issues with me being in the pool. He would "woof" and run from end to end until he lost footing and I had to rescue the puppy! So he ended up swimming in his over sized water dish!

Josh didn't get as much pool time. He spent long days in the office, then he had to commute. By the time he got to the house he was super hungry and the mosquito's loved him.

Grilling out seems to be our new thing. So I have to sign off and light the grill!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Somebody Special

Gracey called and told me she got her ears pierced! How cool is that. She told me she cried so hard they had to shut down the mall-Not really! She didn't even cry. Doesn't she look great-